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Showing posts from May, 2015

I Pray We Get Uncomfortable....

I pray we become uncomfortable with doing business as usual.  I pray we get bored with doing the same ole' thing year in and year out with no attempt to evangelizing to the lost. May we get uncomfortable with seeing people out on the street begging for money and asking if they can work for food to eat.  I pray we get uncomfortable with solely fellow-shipping with one another at the expense of being light and salt to others.  Lord help us to become uncomfortable. I pray we get so uncomfortable with the purchasing of new vehicles, saying the Lord blessed us without touching and meeting the needs of others.  I pray we get uncomfortable with judging and condemning others without knowing their full story. I pray we become uncomfortable and begin loving the unlovable....Lord please help us to get uncomfortable with young girls having babies, babies killing babies....young girls walking along the train tracks seeking out Johns and Lord help us be uncomfortable with th...

"Dear Mama"

"I give thanks to my God upon every remembrance of you," Philippians 1:3 (ESV) The legendary artist Tupac, wrote an inspiring piece titled, "Dear Mama," to pay homage to his mother for playing an instrumental role in his life. He credits her for the reason he was the man he became despite the absence of his biological father. For many of us, we can share in the sentiment of thanking God for the blessing of our faithful and committed mothers. How they cared and nurtured us from the womb, to the cradle, holding our hands while we ventured out to take our first baby steps, etc. No matter how mama prepared us for the time we would leave the nest, she always made it a point to remind us that she is always near. She will either call us just to say, "I love you," snatch you right before you stepped out into the street without getting hit by a car or spanking that behind when we got out of line, LOL. Mama rarely asked for anything but sacrificed a lot so tha...