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Showing posts from November, 2017
Lord, You never promised us a pain free life, but You did promise that we wouldn't have to experience the pain alone.....Your presence makes all the difference in the world. Knowing that Your present through life's pain gives us the strength to go on...... Thank You for never leaving us nor forsaking us especially during those times when we are weakest. Thank you, for Your Word reminds us that Your strength is perfected in our weakness..... Lord, where would we be without You????? We would not have made it this far into the year without You.......... Lord, I  just want to say, "Thank you!"

Looking the Part can be so far off!!

Diamonds, many people are looking the part, but they are falling apart and their hearts are far off . The truth can also be said of ourselves if we are not honest with who we are and how we are living apart from how we look on the outside but God sees the heart. God has a way of distinguishing the real from the fake. Try the spirit by the Spirit the Bible says.(1 John 4:1-5) The Bible also says that you may those who are His by their fruit. (Matthew 7:15-23) We can't get oranges from an apple tree or lemons from a grape vine. It is the same way with those that may look the part but they have no love for their neighbors. They don't trust in the Word of God. In fact, they live contrary to the Word. And for anyone that does not confess Jesus as Lord, they do not, will not, cannot without the presence of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:3) The Holy Spirit seals every believer, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possess...
When I stopped trying to control the situation and moved out of the way, I gave God enough room to work on my behalf. His way is proven to always be the better way....
I read a qoute someone posted and it stated, "You will never know until "it" has happened to you." Diamonds, if you never experience "it"  happening to you in your lifetime, when you run across someone "it" has happened to, be human....please don't be judgmental.
Unforgiveness hinders our capacity to love....when we make the decision to forgive, we are not excusing the other person's behavior, in fact, we are loving as Christ loved us who knew no sin yet died for us on the cross! Forgiveness may be strange to some, but I don't know anyone stranger than Christ or crazy enough to love sinners so much and was willing to die for them all so that they can be forgiven! We are all in desperate need for that kind of love......forgiveness,  grace......... Thanking God for Jesus and the Message of the Old Rugged Cross! Who are you willing to forgive today? Perhaps yourself, or possibly someone else? Forgiveness......