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Showing posts from 2018
I read in my morning devotional something that caused me to pause. When you are in crisis, it will reveal what you put your trust in. When I was going through some of the darkest times in my life, I used to turn to sex, and material things. I also thought that money would solve all of my problems when in fact, it added to my problems. It wasn't until I gave my life to the Lord and became intentional to allow my life to be hidden in Christ.  I no longer desired to want to be controlled by anything other than the Holy Spirit, because sex, material things and money only made my problems worse. They also negatively impacted my relationships with those closes to me.  In essence, turning to anything other than God in a crisis escalates and further frustrates the situation. You learn over and over that you cannot trust in those things because they so more harm than good physically, spiritually, emotionally,  psychologically. When I turned to Christ in my chaos and crisis, I ...
You never know when someone needs a HUG, especially your waitress. She said, "You wouldn't be able to know this, but I needed that." God knew...God always know what we need when we need it. Her boss thanked me after watching me give her a warm embrace and said, "We are are so thankful you came into today," but I was just as blessed because I yielded myself to the leading of the Spirit! Then I was reminded of how much work there is for the church to do outside of her four walls (myself included) and if we but yield ourselves to the Spirit's leading we can really turn this world upside down! More emptying of ourselves can lead to more of the Spirit's filling and leading to be agents of change in our communities,  nation and the world.
When the circumstances seem to dictate that the odds are against you, it just simply becomes a great recipe for God to do what seems to be impossible for man, BUT not too hard for Him! Can I get just one person to clap your hands to the Lord and say, "Amen?" If it's possible with GOD, THEN ITS SETTLED! THAT'S IT! PRAISE HIM!! SIMPLY BEGIN TO PRAISE HIM!! HALLELUJAH, THANK YOU JESUS!! AMEN!!
Diamonds,  your focus should never be to rub elbows with those in power, but to humbly serve in the capacity He has called you! Watch beloved, in due season, God will exalt you to places and positions that you thought was dependent on others! However, there is some truth to this.....the right Person in fact, is the one who called you to your position of purpose in first place--Jesus! Keep your eyes and your undivided attention on Him! If He said it, believe it! You can ALWAYS take God at His word! #BeKneeDeepInService #GodWillRewardYourFaithfulness #HeWillPlaceYouInThePresenceOfKings #StayInThePresenceofGod
Bitterness gives off the false impression that you'll feel better after you've been hurt, but it's counter-productive to the healing work that God desires to do in and throughout our lives.
Regardless of how many degrees we obtain, the more it becomes apparently clear, that there is STILL an inexhaustible amount of wisdom and knowledge about God that we have yet to understand.  However, He can be known through His Son Jesus the Christ in a personal, and intimate way.  The knowledge we obtain about God through His Son is not so much about us as much as it is about how much knowledge we have gained in order to GIVE IT AWAY in order that those who are without Him, may know how BIG His ❤ HEART ❤ is toward THEM as much as it is toward us!!! The more we know, the more we grow, the more we ought to be able to show the LOVE of GOD through His Son JESUS! #HisLoveTowardsUsIsUnconditional #NothingWillEverSeparateYouFromTheLoveOfGod #TheMoreKnowledgeofHimOughttoHumbleUs #TellTheStory
I thought of you when I read this quote from "Emboldened: A Vision for Empowering Women in Ministry" by Tara Beth Leach, Scot McKnight - "Sisters in Christ, it is my hope that you lead, teach, preach, shepherd, evangelize, and equip in the way that only you—in the Spirit—can do. And do it with confidence; do it with gusto." Start reading this book for free:

Strength in Weakness

I read a quote that says, "God gives the toughest battles to his strongest children." I'm learning that He gives strength to His children who depend on HIM during their times of weakness. Diamond, be encouraged (esp. our supermoms out there) God doesn't expect you to be  strong all the time. You actually demonstrate strength when you can acknowledge when you're experiencing a period of weakness and can recognize when you need help....... Yes, you are still shining tears and all...... It doesn't make you any less than or takes away from you being a diamond..... Remember, diamonds are created under pressure...... A faith tried by fire is worth more than gold!!!

Happy Women's Day

Good Morning My Sisters! Happy International Women's Day! Walk Out Your Purpose fully knowing that there  is nothing God has given us that we can't do even while wearing our best pair of heeled toe, flats, sneakers, etc (which ever ones you desire to wear in order to get the job done)!!! Continue to be great and never be afraid to WOW even yourself!!! There is a little girl some where watching us, being inspired by us and she will be relying on us for our strength, and our wisdom to get her to her next level of greatness in God--even if it's a level we may never reach for ourselves but will directly impact those that will stand on our shoulders propelling all of US into the future that will come after us! Remember, for every brick of adversity thrown your way, catch it and then use it to build a platform to make something great--not only to benefit yourself, but will reach backwards in order to help someone else! #LadieThisIsPrettyPowerfulAndSoAreYou #HappyWomensDay ...
Diamonds, Your worst enemy is you....but it doesn't have to be! Continue to press on toward the mark! The road is arduous at times but once you have accomplished your goal(s), while you are accomplishing your goals, watch the help God sends you, watch the brand new doors outside of the ordinary He will open for you all because you didn't give up or get stuck or hemmed up by allowing yourself to be limited no one else BUT YOU! Fight For Your Life Friday!
Diamonds, for every brick they threw at you, as the resourceful person you are, use those same bricks to build upon,  to kneel on, in order to pray for them, to preach and teach love and forgiveness, a platform where God can get the glory from especially when you allow Him to fight your battles, BUT never allow those bricks to slow down your momentum toward fulfilling your God-given purpose!
Diamonds, When it seems like there is no other way than to throw in the towel because you dont know any other outcome but can you hear the sound of the music playing in your ears, "Keep ln making a way, over and over again! Always bringing me out,  over and over again. LORD YOU'VE DONE SO MUCH, ALL TO YOU I OWE,  I WILL EVER SING YOUR PRAISE, GLORY TO YOUR NAME....YOU KEEP ON MAKING A WAY FOR ME!" He makes a way because He is a way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God, that is who you are!! You are the way, the truth and the life! You cause mountains to fall! Your name is Jehovah Jireh our provider! Your name is Possible! Impossible for us to the extent where all we can do is throw in the towel it seems, but as long as Jesus is yet alive and you can access Him thru prayer, IT AINT OVER,  UNTIL GOD SAYS SO! You may not know how he is going to do it. He may not do it the way you expect Him to do it.  But know He will prove Himself...

Standing Appointments With God

Diamonds,  we may set aside a day or time to take a break from life's daily activities, but we can not take a break from meeting with God in our daily prayer and meditation times in the Word. If you desire for your steps to be ordered by God, how? If you decided to miss your daily appointment with Him? I promise you, if you keep God first and make Him a priority, or treating His relationship with you as valuable and important than anything else going on our itenerary--watch the many different ways God will move on your behalf. Watch the added grace He deposits in carrying out that long laundry list of tasks. He is so faithful, that those very tasks we worry about completing at the expense of missing our appointment with Him, He grants more grace in time in order to get them accomplished only because WE DIDN'T TAKE A DAY OFF FROM MEETING UP WITH HIM! Again, there are alot of things we can afford to put off,  take time away from but the most beneficial we must cherish and kee...

Unlock Your Hidden Potential

Unlocking the hidden potential takes: 1. Seeking and Trusting God 2. Once He has answered, invest in that treasure unearthed, cultivate that bad boy 3. You were made to shine bright like a diamond but your brilliance is an after effect from all the pressure of the heat of life--again, it's not to break you but to birth your God-given destiny 4. Remember, anything that God destines for you to do, He equipped you with the skill set or according to your ability so PRESS TOWARD TH E MARK! 5. God knows what you can and cannot do, He would never give you an assignment beyond your capabilities. He is with you and KNOW the work He begins in you He will complete-just trust the process, be faithful and watch how bright your light will shine! SHINE BRIGHT LIKE THE UNIQUE DIAMOND YOU ARE!

Praise God!

Diamonds, Praise God for the open doors to the hearts ready to accept Jesus as Lord! Praise God for every opportunity for the door to be knocked on that will lead to surrender and a saving grace covering all guilt, and shame from our pasts. Praise God for The Door which is Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth,  and the life! Praise God for the possibilities and opportunities that are married with a new life in Christ!! Thank You Lord for every open door!!!


On the eve of the 18th Anniversary of the campus fire at Seton Hall University (1/19/00), the Lord woke me up early this morning with thoughts of my late beautiful mother, aka "Red,"  👄 Doris Marlene King-Christmas. She left this earth serving and caring for both my sick grandmother as well as myself (2002). On the day of her aneurysm, we were preparing for another surgery related to the fire but she held her head high while fighting back her own tears, held my hand and to get my mind off of surgery, she asked me to cook a packet of oodles of noodles (LOL) for her. That woman was determined for me to regain my activities of daily living because little did I know, I would one day have a family to care of for myself by the grace of God. I could not have made it this far without the Lord using her to begin the process of healing. She kept a song in her heart, and a step in her foot (picturing her dancing like David did minus the clothes falling off (LOL). I would have been l...
Rain or the trouble in our lives are inevitable and a useful resource to help develop resiliency and growth in a person's life to endure difficulty in life. If you want to be strong in the Lord, if you expect to grow, then expect some rain in the forecast of your life. Remember, every plant needs water to GROW!