Regardless of how many degrees we obtain, the more it becomes apparently clear, that there is STILL an inexhaustible amount of wisdom and knowledge about God that we have yet to understand. However, He can be known through His Son Jesus the Christ in a personal, and intimate way. The knowledge we obtain about God through His Son is not so much about us as much as it is about how much knowledge we have gained in order to GIVE IT AWAY in order that those who are without Him, may know how BIG His ❤ HEART ❤ is toward THEM as much as it is toward us!!! The more we know, the more we grow, the more we ought to be able to show the LOVE of GOD through His Son JESUS! #HisLoveTowardsUsIsUnconditional #NothingWillEverSeparateYouFromTheLoveOfGod #TheMoreKnowledgeofHimOughttoHumbleUs #TellTheStory