The Apostle Paul also known as the persecutor of Christians had a "come to Jesus moment" when He, Jesus came to him. He asked Paul, why are you persecuting me, his body, the church and was physically blinded which he had already been spiritually. Paul was zealous about persecuting Christians because he believed in his mind that he was justified in his cause but in his heart, he knew not God. His heart was far from God. If he had, his actions would not have reflected as such. Right there where Paul was at his worst, even him....Christ died for him. Even Paul refers to himself as the worst of sinners. Peter also comes to mind having denied Jesus three times out of fear in order to save himself from persecution. And yet, God still saw fit to redeem them and make them meet for their Master's use. My friends, whatever your "WORST-state" is, God is WILLING to meet you right where you are.....just ask David, and the woman at the well, the lame man at the...