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Showing posts from October, 2015
Diamonds,  Enjoy feasting on the Word of God!   Can't share what we haven't deposited and dined on first!   " Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it," 1 Peter 3:15. (NLT)
Diamonds, Be Thankful For the One! The One that forgave you! The One that Loved you while you were in your sins! The One that was at all points tempted and KNOWS first hand everything that you have been going thru! The One that overcame and has given you everything you need in order to overcome your obstacles too! Be thankful for the One that gave you life! Be's Thursday, another day that the Lord has made! Amen!

Enough is Enough!

There are too many people dying without ever experiencing the love of Christ.  People are suffering, living miserable lives, just plain in pain: mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually; we bicker, fuss and fight over foolishness and the only person benefiting from it is the devil. Lord helps us look beyond ourselves.  Diamonds ask God to search your heart to find anything that will hinder you from growing and going further in your purpose for the kingdom of God.  Time is winding, we are losing too many all because we have taken our focus off of GOD!
Diamonds,  Keep looking up and when you do, don't be surprised if you catch God looking back at you! ‪#‎ KeepLookingToTheHillsFromWhenceComethYourHelp‬ ‪#‎ YourHelpComesFromtheLord‬ ‪#‎ DiamondsAreDaddysGirls‬
Diamonds, God is both a Lover and Fighter!  Praise Him for every which way He loves and fights for you! #DiamondsAreDaddy'sGirls
Diamonds, Your body is not your greatest asset! You don't have to use it to get what you want. God is looking for women that are standing in integrity and trusts in Him to open doors that no man can shut! He put out by sending His Son so you don't have to put up with shamefully taking off your clothes to make a living or be successful.  Keep thine integrity beloved.  God promised that if we seek ye the kingdom of God and his righteousness, He will add all these things unto you! (Matthew 6:33) Don't sell yourself short when Jesus PAID IT ALL! (Proverbs 14:12, Mark 8:36, Matthew 16:26)
Diamonds, They may say, "Don't put all your eggs in this basket", that basket, but as it pertains to your life, whatever it is, whatever you stand in need of entrust it to God! God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can ever ask or think! I place all my trust in Him who holds my future in His hands!
Diamonds, Everyone might walk away but God promises to never leave you nor forsake you.... He will be there with you until the end of the age.... You may feel alone at this moment, but call on God and He will fill your empty places, empty spaces and fill them with Himself in order that you may go on! Hold on my Love, help is on the Way!
Diamonds, You are God's kind of beautiful!  You come second to none, so why try to alter your looks by man's standards?  We are all uniquely beautiful!  Embrace your uniqueness, embrace your fabulousness, LOL! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Happy Face-lift Friday but remember you don't necessarily have to go under the knife to get a face-lift!  Most of the time, all we really need to do is think on the goodness of Jesus and our face-lifts surprisingly come when we decide to put on a SMILE!
Diamonds, The more you rely on self, the less you depend on God and that is a recipe for disaster!  We cannot make it without Him.  In Him you can put all of your trust!  More of Him, Less of me.....

God Loves Us At Our Worst!

The Apostle Paul also known as the persecutor of Christians had a "come to Jesus moment" when He, Jesus came to him. He asked Paul, why are you persecuting me, his body, the church and was physically blinded which he had already been spiritually. Paul was zealous about persecuting Christians because he believed in his mind that he was justified in his cause but in his heart, he knew not God. His heart was far from God.  If he had, his actions would not have reflected as such. Right there where Paul was at his worst, even him....Christ died for him. Even Paul refers to himself as the worst of sinners.  Peter also comes to mind having denied Jesus three times out of fear in order to save himself from persecution. And yet, God still saw fit to redeem them and make them meet for their Master's use. My friends, whatever your "WORST-state" is, God is WILLING to meet you right where you are.....just ask David, and the woman at the well, the lame man at the...
Diamonds Let'em Talk, They talk like they're bigger and badder than God... Somebody FORGOT that it only took a rock and a sling shot to take Goliath out! The battle is NOT yours beloved...let God fight them.... Declare: He is my DEFENSE & I shall NOT be MOVED!!!!!!!!!! Psalm 62 Be Encouraged My Sister....Be Encouraged My Brother....

Naked & Ashamed

"Naked & Ashamed!" Do you remember a time when you felt naked and ashamed? Perhaps you are feeling naked right now having discovered you are pregnant when others were unaware that you were even having premarital sex. What if you discovered you have a STD or the person you thought cared so much about you and who you surrendered your virginity to broke up with you. To heighten the issue, your ex has just told his boys or her girls about how you didn't live up to their expect ations in bed. Well, let me tell you a story about Adam & Eve who sinned against God and afterwards they experienced what we could call, "the walk of shame." So much so that they tried covering themselves up by making a covering with fig leaves and they hid from God. The Bible says, "Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame," Gen. 2:25. (NLT) "Naked" my friends and "felt no shame" are in perfect harmony; there are no barriers and no ...