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Showing posts from January, 2016
Diamonds, Don't repay evil for evil.  Don't retaliate with insults when people insult you.  Instead, pay them back with a blessing.  That is what God has called you to do, and He will grant you His blessing........Turn from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it! (Inspired from meditating on 1 Peter 3:8-11, NLT)

It's A Love Thang!

Diamonds, a very good friend of mine reminded me the other day during a very fruitful discussion about why it's very important to pay others back with a blessing rather than retaliate with insults when people insult you. Why? It's simple: That is what God has called each and everyone of us to do that are His and He will grant you his blessing! A sister or a brother might be recovered due to how we respond to a particular situation that may have either rubbed us the wron g way. It is very important that we not be very easily offended. Today, I was again reminded while attending my church's annual meeting and what an added bonus/blessing I received. Just wanted to share in case someone would be just as blessed! Enjoy your day my brother, my sister! ‪#‎ ITSALOVETHANG‬
Some people that we are tied to, no matter how much we have invested or desire to have or keep close, somehow separates from us.  We have tried all different types of methods to let them back in, but no matter how strong the glue, no matter how many times you try to maneuver and make yourself available to them, know that if they aren't tied to God's plans that He has for your life, then let them go! Severed relations may hurt because the emotions attached to these individuals are real and can be painful but to have them in your life will not be purposeful or work out in your best interest; or rather will work against your God-given potential developing in your life. Pruning is never easy but it serves a higher purpose and plan not only for your benefit but toward those you have been called to serve! Enjoy your day!

Thank God for Your Thorn!

Diamonds, I just wanted to let someone who needs to know this morning that whatever you may be going through God will see you through! He may not remove that particular thorn from your flesh because it's being used as a buffer to keep you grounded and humble...totally dependent and reliant on Him from moment to moment, day to day.  You're beautiful Diamond, but so that you don't think more highly than you ought to; so that you don't become conceited with your fine self, that thorn you have been praying and asking God to remove has a purpose.  It's not there to torment you but to remind you that where you are and the position that you hold is because of the grace of God. It's not because of any good thing that you have done but it's because of the grace of God.  He is the Giver of every good and perfect gift.  Therefore, any good thing that you can boast about or in is all because of God's goodness and His generosity!  So you can even thank and boast...

In Honor of Rev. Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.

Today in one of the group sessions we discussed the emotion anger . Anger can be the emotional catalyst used to create change in a world that thrives off of pain. The Bible says be angry and sin not. (Ephesians 4:6) In celebration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's birthday, I am reminded of his anger that pricked and provoked the waves of injustice to cease against people of color and other minorities. His anger was driven out of his strength to love drawing all walks of life to accountability of those being mistreated, disenfranchised, out on the margins and overlooked to draw nearer on the side of equality and social justice.  Anger when appropriated responsively, is motivated by the love of God towards us and the love we ought to have for and toward one another. Its a love language, an inner strength that encapsulates and can be demonstrated if we are willing to be the change our youth needs to see, our coworkers, colleagues and in essence, our neighbors can witness serv...
Diamonds, my daughters reminded me that love is ALL about action.  I'll be the first to admit that sometimes we as parents can come up short in the love department.  We can be easily provoked, and we are guilty of not always being patient with our kids. It is a verb and more than that; it's an action verb.  Love should be demonstrated in every area of our lives.  With that being said, when we say we love God, there ought to be some action behind what it is we are saying.  The question is no longer whether or not God loves us because we can recount endless entries of how God has demonstrated his love toward us.  However, we tend to forget that God desires to be loved by us and let's be honest, the same can be said about our children as with us, we aren't always that lovable but we expect God to love us anyhow. I will love Him by recommitting my life to Him by practicing His love language toward others. Faith without works is dead right, but love witho...

I Ain't Never Scared!

It's Not Proper Grammar But It's the Truth! Be Encouraged! Diamonds Are Resilient!