Diamonds, my daughters reminded me that love is ALL about action. I'll be the first to admit that sometimes we as parents can come up short in the love department. We can be easily provoked, and we are guilty of not always being patient with our kids.
It is a verb and more than that; it's an action verb. Love should be demonstrated in every area of our lives. With that being said, when we say we love God, there ought to be some action behind what it is we are saying. The question is no longer whether or not God loves us because we can recount endless entries of how God has demonstrated his love toward us. However, we tend to forget that God desires to be loved by us and let's be honest, the same can be said about our children as with us, we aren't always that lovable but we expect God to love us anyhow.
I will love Him by recommitting my life to Him by practicing His love language toward others. Faith without works is dead right, but love without action we can argue is cheap talk BECAUSE it lacks fruit. In other words dead. The tree is bare. Every time that we say, "I love you," like a tree, on every branch there ought to be some fruit similar to that of the description of love found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. And during these times, I believe this is where we need to be the most lovable.
So thanks to my kids, I will personally strive to offer up less talk and make more of an attempt to model love for them by actively demonstrating my love for God and toward them throughout my daily living and worship to Him.
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