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Showing posts from April, 2017

Pray until times get better....

Often times, alot of our frustrations, hurts, and those things that upset us that we post on Facebook, IG, Twitter would be more effectively handled if we took it to the Lord in prayer. Jesus was most certainly hurt. Surely the Apostle Paul and the Disciples but how more appropriate it is to take our cares, our concerns to the Lord in prayer. Perhaphs some of us wouldn't talk so quick out lf our necks or our mouths because we know God attends his ear to our voices when we cry out to him. We have to stop sending out the wrong message to the world that is constantly watching us, looking for something different than what they see on reality TV (which is scripted as well). Yet we have a script, we have The Book, The Bible when we open it to read to guard our mouths or atleast give us what to say when we dont know what to say. We can keep it real. God most certainly kept it real but on those moments when we want to blurt out obscenities and black out on a sistah or brother, BE ANGR...