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Dear Mama

"Dear Mama"
"I give thanks to my God upon every remembrance of you," Philippians 1:3 (ESV)
The legendary artist Tupac, wrote an inspiring piece titled, "Dear Mama," to pay homage to his mother for playing an instrumental role in his life. He credits her for the reason he was the man he became despite the absence of his biological father. For many of us, we can share in the sentiment of thanking God for the blessing of our faithful and committed mothers.
How they cared and nurtured us from the womb, to the cradle, holding our hands while we ventured out to take our first baby steps, etc. No matter how mama prepared us for the time we would leave the nest, she always made it a point to remind us that she is always near. She will either call us just to say, "I love you," snatch you right before you stepped out into the street without getting hit by a car or spanking that behind when we got out of line, LOL. Mama rarely asked for anything but sacrificed a lot so that we could have the best of what she could give.
On this Mother's Day, we also remember many who have been called home to everlasting life but their memory lives on in and throughout the lives of their children, and grandchildren that will learn of her courage and strength. Never forgetting the nights she went without so that her children didn't have to go to bed hungry.
The nights where she prayed and trusted in the Lord to make ways out of no way. Early risings on Saturday mornings spent cleaning the entire house so that Sunday we could rest. And every child knows that the best place to be comforted was upon our Mama's chest.
We may attempt and try to repay her back for everything she has done for our family but all she ever wanted was that we do well in school, be productive members in society, treat others as we wish to be treated and stick together if anything ever happened to her.
Dear Mama, again, we will never be able to repay you for all that you have, and continue to do but a great way to start is by saying, "Thank you!" The Bible tell us to give honor when honor is due, "Mama, we love you and we thank God for every remembrance of you!"
Again, Happy Mother's Day!


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