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Showing posts from July, 2017
"Beautiful Scars" I met a woman today while running errands with my daughters and she was staring at the scars on my face. She said, "Excuse me, please forgive me for staring at your face but if you don't mind me saying this, I must say even with all your scars, you are a beautiful woman. I mean really beautiful. God really preserved your facial features; I mean your eyes, your nose, and those lips--you truly have an amazing smile." I couldn't help but share my story after  she asked how I sustained the burns which have become my beauty marks. She was in awe of God and agreed if it had not been for Him, I would never have made it out alive. She encouraged me to continue to share my testimony because now more than ever people need to know that God is real, is still a miracle worker, and He still saves. I shared with this angel that I promised the Lord years ago that I will no longer be ashamed of my scars or sharing my testimony; therefore, whenever any...
Diamonds, we have to arrive at the point where we stop asking Lord, "Why am I going through this" and begin asking, "Lord, what lessons are there for me to learn from this experience?"

I'm okay with being a piece of clay!

Diamonds, it is easy to make excuses and it is easy to feel sorry for yourself but you have a living hope. With the start of a new day, there you will find the unfolding of brand new mercies blooming right before your eyes. Take this as an advantage and rise to the occasion of God's will for your life. Ask Him to continue to mold you and shape you into the masterpiece He already sees you ask Him to help you see the vision He sees when He looks at you as a finished product made by His hands. Don't count yourself out because the process is uncomfortable or because things didn't go according to your idea of a perfect plan. Ask the Lord to fill in the missing pieces with his perfect presence while grooming you into the servant leader you are meant to be. The servant leader He is molding and making you to be for His glory. Remember, pottery is a messy product. Don't be fooled by the finished product sitting on the shelf. That piece of pottery began as clay and w...
Good Morning Diamonds! I just want to share with you one word that the Lord placed on my heart and that is FORGIVE! FORGIVE as much as 70 X's 7 = FORGIVE FROM THE HEART
Diamonds, don't allow yourself to talk yourself out of an opportunity that the Lord has created for you. You may be bombarded with thoughts about why you should not proceed but you are on safe ground when you take heed only to God's directives in your life. We always tend to think the worst, because truthfully, our society has been conditioned to think the worst about everything. This is not so with God. We have a living hope through His Son Jesus Christ. Don't allow doubt or fear to creep in and rob you of the joy of obeying and trusting God's leading. He did not bring you this far to leave you and the good news is that He promises He will never leave you nor forsake you. Many ppl have made commitments and promises to you and broke them or they failed to come through, but God will never makes a promise He can't keep!
Diamonds, I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate each and every one of you. I pray that everything you have read so far has been a source of encouragement. 😊 Please have a safe and wonderful 4th of July holiday weekend! Sincerely and with the love of Christ, Rev. Dana
Diamonds, there was a young person a part of her church's youth group and she shared that she wanted a job in a strip club. "The strip club," they asked? "Yes, the strip club. There is a job opening as a cook and while I'm there I want to share the gospel with the strippers," she explained to her youth group. Well, her youth leader, along with her youth group carpooled to the strip club and prayed over the building in the dead of winter. They then proceeded by writing her work sc hedule down after she got the job and when she was scheduled to work, they each agreed to pray. After the young person ministered to the other young women in the strip club and introduced them to Jesus Christ, they responded by coming into the church, giving their lives to Christ and made the decision to change occupations. What an awesome testimony of God's love, light, and grace being dispensed into the world! May this testimony encourage someone to follow God's ...
Diamonds, y our tax bracket is an indicator of how much you can be a blessing. Don't miss out on being a blessing. Just ask the rich young ruler! (Luke 18:18-28)