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Showing posts from December, 2017
Diamonds, Social media has increased and aided our ability to love the "idea" of an individual without getting to know the TRUTH about an individual's life offline. May your private and public life be congruent and never contradict!

You Are Valuable

Diamonds, You cant live your life trying to appease everybody, or get them to like you while compromising who you are for the sake of winning them when they already have a warped perception that they are better than you. I am talking about fostering and nurturing a positive self worth. Your self worth does not come from those around you but has been given to you from the One who created you fearfully and wonderfully. God has an awesome perception of who you are and you never have to live beyond who He has created you to be. Don't look to man for validation or affirmation because, once man knows you need this in order to function,  they will manipulate you and mistreat you once you no longer serve a purpose for their personal gain. Jesus came that we may have life more abundantly. Not be held captive or placed in bondage because we may suffer from poor self worth. You are valuable to God and he would not have you to be mistreated by anyone. He is interested though in exposing ...
Diamonds & Diamond Studs: Don't worry about your enemies!!!  Your enemies are an indication that: 1. you stood up for something 2. you are on to something BIG for the kingdom of God 3. breakthrough is on the way 4. GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE, GOD IS WITH YOU & HE HEARS YOU EVERYTIME YOU CALL!! Thank God for your enemies!!!! Thank God for the adversity!!! It's working out for your good 💎Diamond💎! It's working out for your good!! P.S. The more hostile the environment,  the more patience develops, the more you're refined as pure gold! The most brilliant of diamonds have been exposed to the most pressure!! #Persevere #EndureforthesakeoftheGospel
Diamonds, God is too real for anyone to fake the funk! Walk in the fulness of your calling!! Don't deprive yourself of being who God created you to be in Christ Jesus! #WalkInYourFreedom #JesusPaidThePriceSoYouCan