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Showing posts from November, 2016
"Attention, About-face" If God was good enough to get your attention, then respond to Him by repenting of your sins and turn back to Him. Return to your first love.....Remember when you first gave your life to Christ. Remember the "he'll hold" He rescued you from that you couldn't see no way out of but God reached down and grabbed you. What should have killed you and destroyed you God used to strengthen your trust in Him. He didn't say this Faith walk would be easy but He promised to always be there and love you every step of the way. He didn't take you out of the world but the day you believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit enabling you to overcome adversities in life just as your Elder Brother, Jesus the Christ did when he suffered in his earthly ministry. At some point along the journey you either got tired, you either got stuck, you either got distracted, you either gave into temptation, but you can about-face and turn back to your first...
God is going to get the glory regardless! Look at how Hillary ended her concession speech, "There is more seasons to come and more work to do! Scripture says, "Don't grow weary in well doing for we shall reap a harvest IF we faint not!" Don't lose heart! When grabbing for the last bit of strength while going through a difficult situation, she reached for the Bible, God's Holy Writ for a Source of Hope & Comfort! GOD IS ON THE THRONE!! Perhaps all this is happening that others may come into the faith. Use this time wisely. For such a time as this, huh? The harvest is ripe church! We have a lot of our Father's Business to Attend to...... Excited About the Work We Are Called To Do! Diamonds, Let Us Get To Work!
"All things work together for good for them that love God and who are called according to his purpose," Romans 8:28. Therefore when I think of the promises that God has made to me alone that have yet to come to pass, I have no other choice but to rejoice and have hope that will not shake my faith. He made those promises with the certainty of them coming to pass regardless of who was, is in the White House. The same is true for you. The abundant life is not without adversity but it's the ability to go through life when things don't necessarily go the way we think they should have WITH A SOVEREIGN GOD, the One, True, Living God that although the very one's that set his Son up, to be hung up on the cross defied all odds and won the victory over sin and death, even when it appeared to have the illusion of defeat but He came to die so that we might be free from the death and bondage of sin. He had to die so that we could be healed from  illness and sickness of every...
God is still on the throne and just as before, the election and it remains true today that this is a great and awesome time for us as the body of Christ to share with others about the HOPE we have in Jesus Christ that extends beyond this world because heaven is our home. #FulfilltheGreatCommision #Redeemingthetimewhilwitsday

Diamonds, Rock the Vote!

This morning I exercised my right to vote. I realized in Scripture that Jesus in Matthew, the 22nd chapter exercised his right to pay taxes, not relinquishing his responsibility to participate and carrying out his civil duties to pay taxes to Caesar; so for that reason and my pastor sending the Holy Spirit to wrestle with us if we choose not vote, to then be moved to participate in this election. Jesus is my example as well as my hope and salvation; I also believe we who are born again believers can help make a difference by pushing God's will further when we participate and not sit idly by but then complain when our freedoms are threatened or taken away. The same freedoms that our forefathers/ mothers and civil rights leaders fought so hard and died for so that we could participate and exercise our rights as citizens in this country. So with that, I pray if you haven't done so, please do so..... Go out and vote! In addition, I am reminded that there are many Christians bein...