"Attention, About-face"
If God was good enough to get your attention, then respond to Him by repenting of your sins and turn back to Him. Return to your first love.....Remember when you first gave your life to Christ. Remember the "he'll hold" He rescued you from that you couldn't see no way out of but God reached down and grabbed you. What should have killed you and destroyed you God used to strengthen your trust in Him. He didn't say this Faith walk would be easy but He promised to always be there and love you every step of the way. He didn't take you out of the world but the day you believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit enabling you to overcome adversities in life just as your Elder Brother, Jesus the Christ did when he suffered in his earthly ministry.
At some point along the journey you either got tired, you either got stuck, you either got distracted, you either gave into temptation, but you can about-face and turn back to your first love. The same sin he delivered you from, because for whatever reason you didn't trust God in the situation, your fellowship was broken but God is only a step away from freedom and forgiveness. He is one step from deliverance.
He wont force himself on you but he has a compelling way of getting our attention because no matter how far we have fallen, He still wants us. He alone knows how we tick and what we need to fill those empty spaces, those voids He promised to fill but somehow we switched roles--instead of allowing God to Potter to do his job, we, the clay took it upon ourselves to mold and fashion ourselves according to the ways of the world.
We know when we get alittle too beside ourselves when we begin to think that we can do God's job instead of trusting in Him and His Word. We know when we get ahead of ourselves, when we start telling mama and daddy what we are going to do instead of honoring them and trusting they have our best interest at heart. Yes, if we be honest, we've all got to the point when we think we know more than our earthly parents, but when we treat God the same, Lord help us because we all have truth be told or sin wouldn't be our issue.
Turn to your neighbor and say, however, however, God like a good father won't give up on you. He will speak a word to get your attention. He's got your specific number. That's right, He knows exactly what buttons to push in order to let you know it's time to fall back in line. It's time to turn away from your destructive ways because all your plans are further leading you away from my will for your life.
Turn back beloved and remember from when you first believed. When you thought no one knew about your secret sins and life outside of the church. God knew and he knows now what sins you are currently living in.
Decide today whether you are going to continue to be knee deep in your sin, the same sin my Son died on the cross for, the same Christ that you said you were so grateful for because you recognized after hearing the Good News you were not deserving and yet He died while you were yet a sinner.
God showed forth his mercy and offered the free gift of grace when there ought to have been punishment. Therefore, let us turn back to our first love. God said let us reason together even though our sins are red as scarlet, He promised to make our sin as white as snow.
If God is knocking on the door of your heart, if he has gotten your attention, dont get mad, you don't even have to acknowledge this post by pressing "like". This is between you and the Lord. If this message is for you, God is waiting with open arms. Anyone willing to turn back to him or anyone desiring to accept Him by faith in his Son for the forgiveness of sins he will in no wise turn you away.
I hope this blesses someone and encourages them to turn back to their first Love......not their man, not their woman, not their money, not their job or their positions, but the Lord thy God.
Attention, About-face!
Writing With Christ In Mind.....
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