"All things work together for good for them that love God and who are called according to his purpose," Romans 8:28.
Therefore when I think of the promises that God has made to me alone that have yet to come to pass, I have no other choice but to rejoice and have hope that will not shake my faith. He made those promises with the certainty of them coming to pass regardless of who was, is in the White House. The same is true for you.
The abundant life is not without adversity but it's the ability to go through life when things don't necessarily go the way we think they should have WITH A SOVEREIGN GOD, the One, True, Living God that although the very one's that set his Son up, to be hung up on the cross defied all odds and won the victory over sin and death, even when it appeared to have the illusion of defeat but He came to die so that we might be free from the death and bondage of sin.
He had to die so that we could be healed from illness and sickness of every kind, bigotry, hate and my God hate....all because He loved us. We must love still beloved. Be kind still. Be self controlled still. Be patient still. Have joy...still. Be faithful unto GOD still! Be peacemakers still. Good still. Gentle still!
We must continue to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! We still must work enthusiastically for the Lord sharing His Good News with grace and truth.
Remember, It's not over until God says it's over and even when God says it's over, there is a new heaven and a new Earth that awaits for those who believe.
Do you believe that Jesus came to die on the cross for your sins? Do you desire to give your life to him that you may have hope in the midst of all the hell going on all around you yet through Him you maintain your joy and have peace because of the presence of God residing deep down on the inside of you? Yes you!
He is knocking on the door of your heart and he wants to be your Source and Life. He wants to help you overcome your trials by going through them with you. I'm talking about faith in Jesus Christ. Nothing else will work. He alone can sustain you when all else around you is failing you, trying you, and whipping you--all aimed at and apart ofthe enemy's ploy to get you to give up and trust God less. When thr world is Godless, you make sure that you are filled and full of God's presence in your life. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will see you through every test and trail. Just take Him at his Word.
Invite Jesus into your life today. The old is passing away, behold all things are become new. Give Him your heart today because tomorrow is not promised and it is unpredictable. God's word is certain and it will never lead you astray of return void. Place your trust in Jesus while you have time!
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