What is going on in the heart that would cause you to be angry with your brother or sister with no cause? Be honest as you do some self-introspection? Are you jealous, are you envious, did he or she not dance to your tune the way you would have liked? Are they accomplishing goals you wanted to or similar to what you wanted to accomplish? Why are you mad? Why are you angry? If you're angry but your brother or sister has not offended you or has not done anything personally to you to harm you, then my friend, you're anger is misguided especially if the one you're directing your anger towards has been blessed by God and perhaps you're angry at God. Perhaps you're angry at yourself.
Don't let the sun go down on your anger. Don't allow the New Year to come upon you and you feel discouraged because 2016 was not as productive as you hoped. Try, try, again.
Instead of directing that anger at someone else. Direct that anger towards a piece of paper and a pen and determine in your heart and mind to write down that Unfinished Business List for 2017 and plan for "2017: The Year of Action: Take II".
The plans God has for your life were not meant to be accomplished in one year but some take years to develop and matured before coming to fruition. Granted, it took Noah a week to build the ark and Nehemiah 52 days to rebuild the wall; however, earning a B.A. takes 4 years, a Masters Degee 3 to 4 years and for those desirious to earn their PhD, well that's another 3 years plus depending on your personal time table ( but that could be said for each level of academia).
Now prayerfully, let us take into cosideration that you have been striving and keeping your hand to the plow. You can't be angry at no one else but yourself if you haven't been putting any energy towards accomplishing your goals.
Pray & Plan: Pray over those plans and acknowledge God in your plans that He may direct your path. Ask God first and foremost to forgive you of your sins and to create in you a clean heart and renew in you the right spirit because you weren't just my friend in how you perceived your sister or your brother.
Let us start off entering the New Year with better intentions of loving one another as God has loved us and being transparent with God about the issues of our hearts in order to serve Him better as well as one another so that we can rightly represent the kingdom of God that others may BELIEVE IN 2017! (Ref. Matthew 5:22a, NLT)
Hope this Helps Someone! It Most Certainly Helped Me!
Be Blessed!
I love you, BUT God loves you SO MUCH MORE!
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