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Showing posts from 2015

A New You In The New Year!

".........................Hence the necessity for a new heart. With a new heart, we remember the pain and the suffering Christ went through for our sins in order that condemnation wasn't the last chapter of our life but a new beginning, a new life, a new hope, a future on the dawn of a new day in the new year. Instead of preparing the land by making it new with our traditions of cooking black eye peas and greens, fish and entering the new year with a clean home and clothes  washed--let's trade in our RELIGION for a RELATIONSHIP. Why settle for luck concerning our finances by depending on a man to enter into our homes with a pocket full of money? Instead, why not trust God to enter into our hearts, let us trust God and tithe our 10% and watch how God opens up the window of heaven and pours you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Perhaps there is someone who needs to know that God loves them soo much, and at times if we would be honest, GOD ...

Be Good To Yourself!

Diamonds, let it not be spoken of you that you've been tending to everyone else's vineyard but your very own vineyard you have not kept. Self-care is very important but don't be so good to yourself that you neglect the other areas of responsibility in your life.  By all means, prioritize and maintain BALANCE....... Greater is He that is in you.....STOP TRYING TO BE SUPERWOMAN! God Bless & P.S., It's difficult to let your light shine when you're stressed! :)
Diamonds, the worst thing in the world is not having money in your pocket or worrying about your money being funny!  God promised to meet ALL of our needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus! So trust Him.  He always comes through for us if we would trust Him at His Word! #FaithOverFinances #PleaseDeliverMySistersLordWhoStruggleInTheAreaOfFinances #FaithIsTheSubstanceOfThingsHopedForEvidenceOfThingsNotSeen

Taking It Lying Down!

Diamonds, What do you do when your being mistreated? Insults being hurled at you? People talking about you? Lie on you? Mistreat you all the while they tell you that they love you, are for you, and smile in your face; thinking of new ways to manipulate you in order to further use you to their benefit with no plans of giving you credit.  But God is awesome in that He will open your eyes to their evil and diabolical schemes toward you; it may appear that you are passively resisting but in the spirit, you are actively praying unto God regarding the situation. You are asking and inviting God into the situation; He is the One who is with you and will go to bat for you all while it may appear that you are taking things lying down .  There is no need to make it public because God has a way of making spectacles out of devils or the devils that some allow to control them. He did just that when His Son died on the cross at Calvary. He did not come down , all the while it app...
Diamonds, Jesus displayed his authority by not lording over others, or behaving as if He was more important than others but he displayed His authority through humbly serving others and He did not come to be served.....Mark 10:45( NKJV) Let us follow Christ's example! Have a blessed day & NEVER forget to be a blessing to someone today, in fact.....everyday! That's Christ's Way!


There are so many times God could have given up on us....but he is relentless in pursuing His most prized possession....US.  When we feel less than important He thinks highly of us to the extent where He sacrificed His only Son. When you wonder why He loves you, why He cares so much, why He bled on the cross, why even when it tore Him a part to watch His Son become sin and then separated and yet is merciful toward us when we turn, turn, turn away from Him..... He knocks and says, "Hello from the outside," but on the inside there are obstacles in the way, ON THE INSIDE (sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, folly, etc.) that hinder us from surrendering to His love....not punishment, yes, chastisement, forgiveness of sin, a new beginning, past erased, and above all things L.O.V.E. according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). #DiamondsGodLovesYouFlawsAndAll #HeavenKnocksHelloFromTheOutsideSincerelyGod ...
For everyone that knows Him, trusts in Him, have allowed Him to live deep down on the inside of them, I'm encouraging you today to live so that others desire to get to know Him too! #Evangelism #AllSoulsMatter
Diamonds, there may be someone who needs encouragement today.  Perhaps someone in the next cubicle or classroom might need a hug or a friendly smile.  There maybe someone that needs prayer and they need to know that God loves them and you can intercede on their behalf.  There maybe someone that has lost a loved one, purchase them a card.  Either way, there are many ways to make a difference in the life of someone today, so don't be selfish, extend yourself a little further than your own personal space.  God loved you in order that you give your love to someone who is in need of it today....everyday!
Diamonds,  Enjoy feasting on the Word of God!   Can't share what we haven't deposited and dined on first!   " Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it," 1 Peter 3:15. (NLT)
Diamonds, Be Thankful For the One! The One that forgave you! The One that Loved you while you were in your sins! The One that was at all points tempted and KNOWS first hand everything that you have been going thru! The One that overcame and has given you everything you need in order to overcome your obstacles too! Be thankful for the One that gave you life! Be's Thursday, another day that the Lord has made! Amen!

Enough is Enough!

There are too many people dying without ever experiencing the love of Christ.  People are suffering, living miserable lives, just plain in pain: mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually; we bicker, fuss and fight over foolishness and the only person benefiting from it is the devil. Lord helps us look beyond ourselves.  Diamonds ask God to search your heart to find anything that will hinder you from growing and going further in your purpose for the kingdom of God.  Time is winding, we are losing too many all because we have taken our focus off of GOD!
Diamonds,  Keep looking up and when you do, don't be surprised if you catch God looking back at you! ‪#‎ KeepLookingToTheHillsFromWhenceComethYourHelp‬ ‪#‎ YourHelpComesFromtheLord‬ ‪#‎ DiamondsAreDaddysGirls‬
Diamonds, God is both a Lover and Fighter!  Praise Him for every which way He loves and fights for you! #DiamondsAreDaddy'sGirls
Diamonds, Your body is not your greatest asset! You don't have to use it to get what you want. God is looking for women that are standing in integrity and trusts in Him to open doors that no man can shut! He put out by sending His Son so you don't have to put up with shamefully taking off your clothes to make a living or be successful.  Keep thine integrity beloved.  God promised that if we seek ye the kingdom of God and his righteousness, He will add all these things unto you! (Matthew 6:33) Don't sell yourself short when Jesus PAID IT ALL! (Proverbs 14:12, Mark 8:36, Matthew 16:26)
Diamonds, They may say, "Don't put all your eggs in this basket", that basket, but as it pertains to your life, whatever it is, whatever you stand in need of entrust it to God! God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all you can ever ask or think! I place all my trust in Him who holds my future in His hands!
Diamonds, Everyone might walk away but God promises to never leave you nor forsake you.... He will be there with you until the end of the age.... You may feel alone at this moment, but call on God and He will fill your empty places, empty spaces and fill them with Himself in order that you may go on! Hold on my Love, help is on the Way!
Diamonds, You are God's kind of beautiful!  You come second to none, so why try to alter your looks by man's standards?  We are all uniquely beautiful!  Embrace your uniqueness, embrace your fabulousness, LOL! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Happy Face-lift Friday but remember you don't necessarily have to go under the knife to get a face-lift!  Most of the time, all we really need to do is think on the goodness of Jesus and our face-lifts surprisingly come when we decide to put on a SMILE!
Diamonds, The more you rely on self, the less you depend on God and that is a recipe for disaster!  We cannot make it without Him.  In Him you can put all of your trust!  More of Him, Less of me.....

God Loves Us At Our Worst!

The Apostle Paul also known as the persecutor of Christians had a "come to Jesus moment" when He, Jesus came to him. He asked Paul, why are you persecuting me, his body, the church and was physically blinded which he had already been spiritually. Paul was zealous about persecuting Christians because he believed in his mind that he was justified in his cause but in his heart, he knew not God. His heart was far from God.  If he had, his actions would not have reflected as such. Right there where Paul was at his worst, even him....Christ died for him. Even Paul refers to himself as the worst of sinners.  Peter also comes to mind having denied Jesus three times out of fear in order to save himself from persecution. And yet, God still saw fit to redeem them and make them meet for their Master's use. My friends, whatever your "WORST-state" is, God is WILLING to meet you right where you are.....just ask David, and the woman at the well, the lame man at the...
Diamonds Let'em Talk, They talk like they're bigger and badder than God... Somebody FORGOT that it only took a rock and a sling shot to take Goliath out! The battle is NOT yours beloved...let God fight them.... Declare: He is my DEFENSE & I shall NOT be MOVED!!!!!!!!!! Psalm 62 Be Encouraged My Sister....Be Encouraged My Brother....

Naked & Ashamed

"Naked & Ashamed!" Do you remember a time when you felt naked and ashamed? Perhaps you are feeling naked right now having discovered you are pregnant when others were unaware that you were even having premarital sex. What if you discovered you have a STD or the person you thought cared so much about you and who you surrendered your virginity to broke up with you. To heighten the issue, your ex has just told his boys or her girls about how you didn't live up to their expect ations in bed. Well, let me tell you a story about Adam & Eve who sinned against God and afterwards they experienced what we could call, "the walk of shame." So much so that they tried covering themselves up by making a covering with fig leaves and they hid from God. The Bible says, "Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame," Gen. 2:25. (NLT) "Naked" my friends and "felt no shame" are in perfect harmony; there are no barriers and no ...

I Pray We Get Uncomfortable....

I pray we become uncomfortable with doing business as usual.  I pray we get bored with doing the same ole' thing year in and year out with no attempt to evangelizing to the lost. May we get uncomfortable with seeing people out on the street begging for money and asking if they can work for food to eat.  I pray we get uncomfortable with solely fellow-shipping with one another at the expense of being light and salt to others.  Lord help us to become uncomfortable. I pray we get so uncomfortable with the purchasing of new vehicles, saying the Lord blessed us without touching and meeting the needs of others.  I pray we get uncomfortable with judging and condemning others without knowing their full story. I pray we become uncomfortable and begin loving the unlovable....Lord please help us to get uncomfortable with young girls having babies, babies killing babies....young girls walking along the train tracks seeking out Johns and Lord help us be uncomfortable with th...

"Dear Mama"

"I give thanks to my God upon every remembrance of you," Philippians 1:3 (ESV) The legendary artist Tupac, wrote an inspiring piece titled, "Dear Mama," to pay homage to his mother for playing an instrumental role in his life. He credits her for the reason he was the man he became despite the absence of his biological father. For many of us, we can share in the sentiment of thanking God for the blessing of our faithful and committed mothers. How they cared and nurtured us from the womb, to the cradle, holding our hands while we ventured out to take our first baby steps, etc. No matter how mama prepared us for the time we would leave the nest, she always made it a point to remind us that she is always near. She will either call us just to say, "I love you," snatch you right before you stepped out into the street without getting hit by a car or spanking that behind when we got out of line, LOL. Mama rarely asked for anything but sacrificed a lot so tha...

Discernment IT IS!

"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces, Matthew 7:6. (NLT) Diamonds, we can't share everything with everyone especially when they are not born again and you are experiencing a spiritual matter in search of Godly counsel.  They will always see things from a worldly perspective and they cannot understand that which is spiritual because they lack the presence of the Holy Spirit who opens up our understanding and moves us into all truth.  We have now the Spirit who is from God and not of the world.  We also speak not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual.  Remember:  the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to them; nor can they know them, because they are spiritually discerned.   (Please read 1 Corinthians 2:6...

No Room For Excuses!

There was this young woman diagnosed with leukemia and she spent a considerable amount of time in cancer treatment facilities.   Everyone that came in contact with this young lady always referred to her as remarkable, and resilient. It baffled them how she was able to keep such a sweet spirit considering all she has endured.  The doctors and medical specialists couldn't understand it. When they would shake their heads, she opened her heart and then began to testify of God's goodness in the midst of the storm. When the doctors came in with some "bad news" she was quick to tell them about the hope she had in Christ Jesus. Again, they couldn't understand how she could believe in a God that allowed her to experience so much suffering. Politely she would explain that her suffering is not a death sentence or a reflection of God's lack of love for her. In her suffering she experiences the grace of God that others in her weakness may witness His strength. ...

Come out of Hiding!

What are you hiding for?  Who are you hiding from? Only those whose works are evil hide and don't want their works to be exposed.  If you are walking in the light and your works are good in God's sight then please come out of hiding.  And I love how God forces some of us to turn on our light or in worst case scenario we leave the light off by omission when we are given the cue to flick our light switch on in the midst of a dark situation. For instance, you are at work.  A group of your co-workers are gathered together for lunch and one of them mentions how her niece is considering the idea of having sex with her boy friend.  Everyone chimes in with their opinions.  One suggests being open to listening and being an ear for the young teenager.  Another commented that if necessary, offer to share with or educate her on practicing safe sex methods. Now what if your colleague that initiated the conversation was looking to hear an alternative to what h...

When One Door Closes Another Door Opens!

I want to encourage someone today who may have just had a door slam shut in their face.  I mean KABOOM, Mama said, knock you out kind of door shut in your face.  Don't be dismayed beloved and don't be discouraged.  For many of us, there are projects that we are sitting on that God gave us vision for but we have been dragging our feet.  Or we have made commitments that God never assigned or intended for us to keep. Use this time of closer to REGROUP with yourself along with fasting and praying to seek the Lord on what your next move should be.  For many of us, we already know what we should be doing but out of fear of success or failing, we slow walk it.  Sometimes (and we should be grateful) God will close a door that if left up to us to close, we would allow to remain open that although in theory its a great opportunity to be apart of and actively participating in but has reached its expiration date (by serving its purpose for that season) or as they say...

Be About Your Father's Business!

All to often we talk a good game but in the end we have not produced anything that points others to faith in Christ.  We are destined for greatness yes but in what ways are we moving to be accomplished in those areas in our lives.  In order to get some where on a bike, you have to exert some energy.  You have to be the man or the woman behind the machine pedaling and steering that machine until you have reached your desired destination. What are you waiting for?  Do you think you are different than any one else that has to put in the effort, the work, the blood, sweat, and the tears? Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.  Although God will complete the work he began in all of us, with the creative power and the deposit of the Holy Spirit on the inside of us, we already came prepared and equipped to get the job done.  All God desires if we be willing to participate.  If we be willing to go wherever he leads us.  If we be willing to put some action...