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Showing posts from 2017
Diamonds, Social media has increased and aided our ability to love the "idea" of an individual without getting to know the TRUTH about an individual's life offline. May your private and public life be congruent and never contradict!

You Are Valuable

Diamonds, You cant live your life trying to appease everybody, or get them to like you while compromising who you are for the sake of winning them when they already have a warped perception that they are better than you. I am talking about fostering and nurturing a positive self worth. Your self worth does not come from those around you but has been given to you from the One who created you fearfully and wonderfully. God has an awesome perception of who you are and you never have to live beyond who He has created you to be. Don't look to man for validation or affirmation because, once man knows you need this in order to function,  they will manipulate you and mistreat you once you no longer serve a purpose for their personal gain. Jesus came that we may have life more abundantly. Not be held captive or placed in bondage because we may suffer from poor self worth. You are valuable to God and he would not have you to be mistreated by anyone. He is interested though in exposing ...
Diamonds & Diamond Studs: Don't worry about your enemies!!!  Your enemies are an indication that: 1. you stood up for something 2. you are on to something BIG for the kingdom of God 3. breakthrough is on the way 4. GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE, GOD IS WITH YOU & HE HEARS YOU EVERYTIME YOU CALL!! Thank God for your enemies!!!! Thank God for the adversity!!! It's working out for your good 💎Diamond💎! It's working out for your good!! P.S. The more hostile the environment,  the more patience develops, the more you're refined as pure gold! The most brilliant of diamonds have been exposed to the most pressure!! #Persevere #EndureforthesakeoftheGospel
Diamonds, God is too real for anyone to fake the funk! Walk in the fulness of your calling!! Don't deprive yourself of being who God created you to be in Christ Jesus! #WalkInYourFreedom #JesusPaidThePriceSoYouCan
Lord, You never promised us a pain free life, but You did promise that we wouldn't have to experience the pain alone.....Your presence makes all the difference in the world. Knowing that Your present through life's pain gives us the strength to go on...... Thank You for never leaving us nor forsaking us especially during those times when we are weakest. Thank you, for Your Word reminds us that Your strength is perfected in our weakness..... Lord, where would we be without You????? We would not have made it this far into the year without You.......... Lord, I  just want to say, "Thank you!"

Looking the Part can be so far off!!

Diamonds, many people are looking the part, but they are falling apart and their hearts are far off . The truth can also be said of ourselves if we are not honest with who we are and how we are living apart from how we look on the outside but God sees the heart. God has a way of distinguishing the real from the fake. Try the spirit by the Spirit the Bible says.(1 John 4:1-5) The Bible also says that you may those who are His by their fruit. (Matthew 7:15-23) We can't get oranges from an apple tree or lemons from a grape vine. It is the same way with those that may look the part but they have no love for their neighbors. They don't trust in the Word of God. In fact, they live contrary to the Word. And for anyone that does not confess Jesus as Lord, they do not, will not, cannot without the presence of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:3) The Holy Spirit seals every believer, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possess...
When I stopped trying to control the situation and moved out of the way, I gave God enough room to work on my behalf. His way is proven to always be the better way....
I read a qoute someone posted and it stated, "You will never know until "it" has happened to you." Diamonds, if you never experience "it"  happening to you in your lifetime, when you run across someone "it" has happened to, be human....please don't be judgmental.
Unforgiveness hinders our capacity to love....when we make the decision to forgive, we are not excusing the other person's behavior, in fact, we are loving as Christ loved us who knew no sin yet died for us on the cross! Forgiveness may be strange to some, but I don't know anyone stranger than Christ or crazy enough to love sinners so much and was willing to die for them all so that they can be forgiven! We are all in desperate need for that kind of love......forgiveness,  grace......... Thanking God for Jesus and the Message of the Old Rugged Cross! Who are you willing to forgive today? Perhaps yourself, or possibly someone else? Forgiveness...... 
Diamonds, tell the LORD you love Him  and even though you know this road has not been easy express no matter how difficult, you are determined to stay on the road until your change comes!!! Glory Hallelujah!!


Diamonds, the word of God says believe and not doubt. Many ppl have made empty promises to you. They said one thing and did another but God is not like man therefore you never have to doubt what he says, what he has promised you, no matter what it looks like or feels like. God is faithful to do just what he said he will do. He is going to fulfill every promise to you. Dont doubt, dont give up, dont fold under pressure, look to the hills from whence cometh your help, your help cometh from the Lord!! Hold fast to his promises. Hold fast to his unchangeable hands. Believe my sister, believe my brother....BELIEVE AND NOT DOUBT for God is not a liar. God's Word does not and will not return void. It will accomplish what it was set out to do for the purpose God sent it! So hold on, be of good courage! Hold on to God's unchanging hand!!!!
Diamond's, don't just pray in the difficult times, but continue to cultivate a relationship with the Father in your goid times, every day moments with Him. Intimacy is built over time.  Get to know and enjoy the Lord in every season of your life!
Diamonds, i ts easy to keep your eyes the Lord when all is well but God trains those who are His to keep their eyes on Him in all circumstances. We must allow ourselves to totally depend on Jesus especially when we are walking in rocky terrain BUT if we keep our eyes, if we keep our minds stayed on Him He will provide us with the perfect peace we need to weather any storm! I declare, "Regardless of how it looks in the natural, it will be well with my soul bc I purpose, we must purpose to walk in the Spirit of God!"
DIAMONDS💎, its not a matter of TRYING, but DOING! You don't just try and put on your panties, you just Do It! The same applies to OBEYING JESUS CHRIST OF THE BIBLE! #ItPaysToOBEY #TheRewardsArePriceless #HopeThisBlessesSomeoneAsMuchAsItBlessedMe #DiamondsAreResilient
Diamonds, Thank and praise God for those in your company that you can confess your sins to rather than condone your evil behavior. Why? Because pleasing God is always at the forefront of any relationship and the relationship that sets the tone for all other relationships in their lives.....No corruption here, but thank God for the good company He has surrounded you with my beloved daughters!
Diamonds, Be careful how you follow.... If you are not careful, you can follow to a fault and be guilty of following someone working outside of the will of God. How will you know? Refer to your life's instruction manual -- the Bible. Allow God's word to be the last word and the standard by which you live by..... Love you and encouraging you all to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord and not man! Only One Person died on the cross for your sins and that was Jesus who purchased you with his blood; therefore you have been bought with a price and you are not your own. Remain faithful to God and watch how He will bless your life!
Diamonds, when God says He will never leave you nor forsake you, He meant it. He is not only available, and present but He will send you some help to navigate the rocky terrain. Just continue to hold on to His unchanging hand!
Diamonds, without persecution, there is no purification, no purging, no depth of perception in God, no pushing and no pressing you further into advancing His purpose and plans for your life! In Christ's Name I pray, Amen! Be encouraged daughter in the Lord! "Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault," Jude 1:24. (NLT) REMEMBER, GOD LOVES YOU AND HE WILL SEE YOU THROUGH!
Diamonds & Diamond Studs:  If you ever feel taken advantage of, remember, God has a way of using every opportunity as an advantage to advance His kingdom. (Rom. 8:28)
Diamonds, pray and forgive those who try to downplay what God is doing in your life. Remain humble because all glory belongs to God anyway. Remain humble because in due season, God will exalt you! You are the head and not the tail; above and not beneath. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! God is going to work everything out in your favor!!! Be encouraged! God is with you......

Faith your way.......

Diamonds, I pray that you don't sleep your way out of loneliness but faith your way into a meaningful relationship with the heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. He promises to never leave you nor forsake you no matter how many times you mess up or tempted to walk away out of shame. God loves you so much!
People can push you away but what they fail to realize, is that as a child of the Most High God, they are pushing you right into the arms of Him who loves you, cares for you and will work everything out for your good! Be encouraged to my sister! God loves you more than you will ever know but He will show you if you ask. He has already proven his love by giving up his only begotten Son. How much more will he not be willing to give you? Again I say, be encouraged this day!
Diamonds, as the old saying goes, "Misery Loves Company." Well, since misery loves company, be careful not to allow the misery in your life to negatively affect your ministry. In fact, allow what has made you miserable to be converted and used for ministry purposes to the glory of God. Somebody needs to hear this...... #JustAskJoseph #WhatthedevilmeantforevilGodintendeditallforgood #Godisgoingtobringyoutoapositionsothelivesofmanypeoplecanbesaved
Father, pls comfort those we’ve hurt w/ our words and actions. Mend their broken hearts, and help them to forgive us. In Jesus' Name, Amen
"Beautiful Scars" I met a woman today while running errands with my daughters and she was staring at the scars on my face. She said, "Excuse me, please forgive me for staring at your face but if you don't mind me saying this, I must say even with all your scars, you are a beautiful woman. I mean really beautiful. God really preserved your facial features; I mean your eyes, your nose, and those lips--you truly have an amazing smile." I couldn't help but share my story after  she asked how I sustained the burns which have become my beauty marks. She was in awe of God and agreed if it had not been for Him, I would never have made it out alive. She encouraged me to continue to share my testimony because now more than ever people need to know that God is real, is still a miracle worker, and He still saves. I shared with this angel that I promised the Lord years ago that I will no longer be ashamed of my scars or sharing my testimony; therefore, whenever any...
Diamonds, we have to arrive at the point where we stop asking Lord, "Why am I going through this" and begin asking, "Lord, what lessons are there for me to learn from this experience?"

I'm okay with being a piece of clay!

Diamonds, it is easy to make excuses and it is easy to feel sorry for yourself but you have a living hope. With the start of a new day, there you will find the unfolding of brand new mercies blooming right before your eyes. Take this as an advantage and rise to the occasion of God's will for your life. Ask Him to continue to mold you and shape you into the masterpiece He already sees you ask Him to help you see the vision He sees when He looks at you as a finished product made by His hands. Don't count yourself out because the process is uncomfortable or because things didn't go according to your idea of a perfect plan. Ask the Lord to fill in the missing pieces with his perfect presence while grooming you into the servant leader you are meant to be. The servant leader He is molding and making you to be for His glory. Remember, pottery is a messy product. Don't be fooled by the finished product sitting on the shelf. That piece of pottery began as clay and w...
Good Morning Diamonds! I just want to share with you one word that the Lord placed on my heart and that is FORGIVE! FORGIVE as much as 70 X's 7 = FORGIVE FROM THE HEART
Diamonds, don't allow yourself to talk yourself out of an opportunity that the Lord has created for you. You may be bombarded with thoughts about why you should not proceed but you are on safe ground when you take heed only to God's directives in your life. We always tend to think the worst, because truthfully, our society has been conditioned to think the worst about everything. This is not so with God. We have a living hope through His Son Jesus Christ. Don't allow doubt or fear to creep in and rob you of the joy of obeying and trusting God's leading. He did not bring you this far to leave you and the good news is that He promises He will never leave you nor forsake you. Many ppl have made commitments and promises to you and broke them or they failed to come through, but God will never makes a promise He can't keep!
Diamonds, I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate each and every one of you. I pray that everything you have read so far has been a source of encouragement. 😊 Please have a safe and wonderful 4th of July holiday weekend! Sincerely and with the love of Christ, Rev. Dana
Diamonds, there was a young person a part of her church's youth group and she shared that she wanted a job in a strip club. "The strip club," they asked? "Yes, the strip club. There is a job opening as a cook and while I'm there I want to share the gospel with the strippers," she explained to her youth group. Well, her youth leader, along with her youth group carpooled to the strip club and prayed over the building in the dead of winter. They then proceeded by writing her work sc hedule down after she got the job and when she was scheduled to work, they each agreed to pray. After the young person ministered to the other young women in the strip club and introduced them to Jesus Christ, they responded by coming into the church, giving their lives to Christ and made the decision to change occupations. What an awesome testimony of God's love, light, and grace being dispensed into the world! May this testimony encourage someone to follow God's ...
Diamonds, y our tax bracket is an indicator of how much you can be a blessing. Don't miss out on being a blessing. Just ask the rich young ruler! (Luke 18:18-28)
Whatever you failed at in life, whatever attempt you made just didn't cut the mustard, I want to encourage you not to give up or quit! You only fail when you have stopped trying and when you have thrown in the towel.  Don't you know that God makes all things new for the believer. Don't allow your past failures to haunt you and keep you from trying again at whatever endeavor you are striving toward. Don't stop dreaming. Don't stop asking and calling on the name of Jesus to help you see this dream realized or for him to deliver you out of sin, a bad relationship, etc.  And even in this next attempt you just don't get it completely right, keep striving, keep seeking the Lord, keep moving toward that desired end until you win! Don't give up beloved! God loves you and there is no one rooting for you the hardest and the best than Him.  So chuck that experience up as a loss but another opportunity closer to a win!  You may be down but you're not out as l...
Diamonds, instead of trying to be perfect, acknowledge when you have made a mistake. You will not only be more relatable but genuine in your relationship with others.
Diamonds, in order to be transformed, you must be willing to get uncomfortable, count up the cost, and be willing to change!
Diamonds, the EDGE of greatness is not where God desires for you to stay! LEAP OVER the edge in order to FULFILL your God-given purpose!

Father's Day Reflection

I am so thankful to God for the blessing of opening another door to preach his glorious gospel for such a time as this on Father's Day. The Lord gave me a particularly special message to preach, a unique message on behalf of the million of children in the United States that have grown up without the consistent presence of their biological fathers. We often hear about the negative implications young men suffer as a result of their absentee dads, but on yesterday, the Lord used me to proclaim a father's day message from the daughter's perspective. Before I stood up to preach, Pastor A Craig Dunn of First Baptist Church in Madison, leaned over and said, "Lil Sis, by the Spirit in here, God is getting ready to bless this house this morning; yokes are going to broken, hearts are going to be healed........" Older women, middle-aged women, and young women following the message expressed gratitude to God for delivering this message. To my surprise, out there in t...

A Servant's Heart

Diamonds, I prayed asking the Lord to give me a servant's heart and how else did I think this request would manifest itself? The Lord will place you in situations to serve others and I will be honest, when He did today, I didnt possess anything resembling the heart of a servant. I complained. I thought of what other personal things I wanted and had to do but being a servant means going out of your way for others in need. People are in so much need and the needs can be met if servants of God are willing to humble themselves and make themselves available. In what ways is God calling you to serve but you are too busy to lend a helping hand? In what ways can you make yourself available for someone that needs a ride to the grocery store, laundry mat, or the doctor's office without pay? Not to mention, before dropping them off home, offering them something to eat or extending yourself alittle further by asking the simple question, " Is there anything else I can do for you?...

Genuineness of Your Faith

Diamonds, I just wanted to thank God for the testing and purifying of my faith this week through the fire. My flesh wanted to be exalted but in the midst of the test, I remembered a word that reminded me of the providence of God. The providence of God informs my faith that although what I am experiencing right now is difficult, God has gone before me and He has already worked out my situation; therefore, I had no reason to fear or be worried. In fact, the Holy Spirit reminded me before I got went ballistic, God promises to work everything out for my good because I love Him and I am called according to his purpose. So although I may have wanted to act unseemingly, I am grateful that I yeilded my flesh to the Spirit because I didnt want to give off the wrong impression to the witness over the phone. I also stated that I forgave those who found fault with me although the cause was unjust. You can't tell me that God was present and the peace I experienced was nothing but other-worldly...

Strong Roots, A Remarkable Heritage

Today, I, along with my church family attended the National Museum of African  American History & Culture. I have never been so proud of the accomplishments we have made as a people created in the image of God. Through our faith, we have overcome some insurmountable challenges and difficulties. Until faith has been tested, how does one know that it is more valuable than gold or if it can be tried? From the Green Book, to the traditional art form of Stepping, inventions, actors and actresses, preachers, political figures, children fighting for their right to a quality education, the right to vote, and how we as African Americans are still striving for generations to come. I have this new found respect and reverence for those that have paved the way for my right to attend higher education. I have not only graduated from high school, but earned two master's degrees and currently earning a doctorate. I have the ability to vote when my ancestors were denied access to exercise thei...

A Generous God

Diamonds, the more I realize how generous God is, I can't help but to think about how He gives, and then He gives more and an image of someone pouring water into my bossom where the water is overflowing and it is in abundance. I just can't understand how God can be so good to me when I have not always and still not consistently good. I fail Him everyday and yet He allows me to enter in and ask for forgiveness. I can't even imagine not being able to ask someone for forgiveness and condemnation and judgment are all that's on the table for me to receive. I can't imagine, not being pardoned for my sins and even after I have admitted my wrong doing, there was nothing but punishment but Lord, blessed is she whose sins are forgiven. You not only forgive, but you don't hold my sins against me. My sins you forget and withhold the punishment I deserved all because of your Son Jesus. Jesus's blood permitted it to be so because He shed his blood and where there is shed ...
Diamonds, In case someone needed to know this morning, GOD IS A STRONG DELIVERER IN HIM WE CAN ALWAYS TRUST! Be encouraged today and know that God is with you and I pray He guides everyone of your footsteps as you journey along the way! I love you but God know that God loves you so much more! Walk in His love!

My mom was right......

Diamonds, if at first you don't succeed, try, try AGAIN! Failure may not be an OPTION, but in the event that you do, Try, Try, AGAIN! Dust yourself off and try again!! Also remember, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Diamonds, People will try to have a private audience with you when in public they have ignored you. If you know your worth, you understand every audience does not require your presence! Stay focused and commit yourself to doing the work of Him that sent you! Some people are meant to be sent in order to distract you! You just don't fall for the okkie dokke as my mom would say!

Don't Take It Personal

The answer to one of my prayers God gave me was, "Don't take it personal, take the bitter with the sweet......." Too often we look at situations from our subjective point of view and its not necessarily what is true or a clear assessment of the entire situation. That's why its good to reveive Godly counsel and God is the best Counselor there is when you are seeking direction in your life. Then there is also the bitter with the sweet....we always want to marvel at the sweet. We delight in the sweet but truth be told, we must have a better disposition than we possess when bitter moments come into our lives. Bitter may be contributed to having to wait on getting that car you want. God already knows about it, in fact He is going to bless you with it. What you find yourself wrestling with is His timing. A few times today, I even had to admit that I wrestle with God's timing concerning the promises He has for my life. But they, they that wait on the Lord shall ren...

Arms Length

Diamonds,  Keep God at arms length. No car, no amount of money, and no earthly relationship should interfere or get in the way of that space between you and God. Guard it with your life!


Diamonds, today I just want to thank God for all those who came before me that paved the wave to invest in my future. I ask that you bless them and I thank you in advance for sending me ahead so I can continue in the process of being able to help someone who you are preparing to be a blessing, a light shining in this dark world! Thank you Lord and I love you! #GraduationDay

Dear Mama

"Dear Mama" "I give thanks to my God upon every remembrance of you," Philippians 1:3 (ESV) The legendary artist Tupac, wrote an inspiring piece titled, "Dear Mama," to pay homage to his mother for playing an instrumental role in his life. He credits her for the reason he was the man he became despite the absence of his biological father. For many of us, we can share in the sentiment of thanking God for the blessing of our faithful and committed mothers. How they cared and nurtured us from the womb, to the cradle, holding our hands while we ventured out to take our first baby steps, etc. No matter how mama prepared us for the time we would leave the nest, she always made it a point to remind us that she is always near. She will either call us just to say, "I love you," snatch you right before you stepped out into the street without getting hit by a car or spanking that behind when we got out of line, LOL. Mama rarely asked for anything but...
Diamonds, Starting over can be a very humbling experience but one you should not resist. Its all apart of the process for God to make all things new in our lives. Being afforded the opportunity to have a fresh new start, or afforded the opportunity to blossom in a new pot of dirt speaks to both the grace and the goodness of God. Regardless of whatever your yesterday dictatated to you, the moment God allowed you to start over should keep your focus foward. You can't drive and arrive at your destination looking backwards. Besides, that chapter is over. Finished! Where God is leading you is full of promise and the production of fruit that will last. Get ready for your later days to be greater because you are no longer your past! Walk in the confidence of God knowing He will never lead you where He is not and  He has your best interest in mind! Be Blessed & know since you have a reason to shine (because God resides on the inside of you) let your light shine so that others may...
Diamonds, where there appears to be a monopoly, TRUST GOD....your gifts will make room for you and they will bring you before great men and women for the glory of God!! (Prov. 18:16) # DiamondsAreResilient # UnwrapThoseGiftsAndPutThemToGoodUse

Pray until times get better....

Often times, alot of our frustrations, hurts, and those things that upset us that we post on Facebook, IG, Twitter would be more effectively handled if we took it to the Lord in prayer. Jesus was most certainly hurt. Surely the Apostle Paul and the Disciples but how more appropriate it is to take our cares, our concerns to the Lord in prayer. Perhaphs some of us wouldn't talk so quick out lf our necks or our mouths because we know God attends his ear to our voices when we cry out to him. We have to stop sending out the wrong message to the world that is constantly watching us, looking for something different than what they see on reality TV (which is scripted as well). Yet we have a script, we have The Book, The Bible when we open it to read to guard our mouths or atleast give us what to say when we dont know what to say. We can keep it real. God most certainly kept it real but on those moments when we want to blurt out obscenities and black out on a sistah or brother, BE ANGR...
I heard it said once that people don't evangelize because they are too concerned about their finances. Instead of concerning ourselves with our finances, we need to make our trust in God a priority. Outside of God we will never have enough or be satisfied: therefore, we ought to totally rely upon the strength of God who is our Source and promised that we would not go without lack nor seed begging for bread. I've tried God at His word. There was a time I needed $500 and God laid me on the heart of someone and said, "God laid you on my heart to be a blessing to." The "things" we spend time worrying about that would potentially take our minds off of doing the work of God, God is already working that situation out for you. You just have to trust Him and continue in the work while you wait for Him to fulfill that which He promised. Now, if you haven't accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior then these promises do not apply to you but are available because Jes...

The Strength of God

"The Strength of God" Thank you Lord for the strength we have in You. Thank you God for the strength from day to day. We can rely on caffeine but eventually it runs out, we can rely on vegetables and vitamins to give us strength but my God, the strength we receive from You when we are weak nothing can n'er compare. The strength that comes from You can enable us to love when we are hated on, forgive when people mistreat us, show mercy even when it wasn't reciprocated, give even when we are down to our last dime, have joy in the face of sorrow, long-suffer with others that the world says we ought to give up on--the way you long-suffered with us. You give us the strength through faith to persevere and see what the end is going to be. You strengthen us for the journey when our knees start to shake and they feel like they are about to give out until we begin to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen us, to hold us up, to fill us up, to strengthen us for the journey. ...
Every time it snows I think about how our sins are like scarlet, God promises through His Son Jesus Christ to make our sins white as snow.

Be Honest

When God shows you secret sins of your heart, don't try and find an exit, but continue to enter into His presence asking Him for cleansing, forgiveness, and filling more of Himself to replace that whole where that sin once took up residence in your heart. The Bible says, "For you do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it; You are not pleased with burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise," Psalm 51:17. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble, (James 4:6). Lord, I pray that your grace may abound because it is my desire to be submitted to you, and draw nearer to you. I pray that in everything I do, I pray that I follow Christ's example in Philippians 2. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.
If no one knows what they are doing as it pertains to your life, its God. He knows who to connect you with, how to navigate the terrain, I mean every step according to God's plan is well thought out and well calculated. Stop worrying. Stop doubting. If you believe that Jesus died for your sins and you have been forgiven; if you believe that Jesus rose from the grave and yet you still believe in Him, then why believe in anyway that God has overlooked you, looked pass you or somehow forgotten about you. That's not true! That's not love. God's great plans do not stop and end with you because He is Alpha and Omega. Trust Him to complete the work He began in you. God has never stopped caring about you nor does He get joy out of watching you kick and scream. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and let Lord strengthen thine heart! Following after God takes patience. Its not Him giving spoiled children what they want when they want what they think they need at their beckoning...
Diamonds, whatever you stand in need of, God will provide! "Seek ye the kingdom of God first, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you," Matthew 6:33. Allow God to have first priority in your life & watch Him bless you beyond measure, beyond what you can ever ask or think; He will bless you more importantly because He loves you, He is faithful to His Word and He cares for you deeply and completely. Did He not send His Son to die on the cross for ou r sins? If He would not withhold his Son, then ask yourself, How much more is He willing to graciously give us all things?He desires to see the needs of His children met. He desires to see us all WINNING! Real Winning in 2017 is when you WIN with God! # FirstThingsFirst # StartingtheNewYearOffRight # TryGodAtHisWord # HeWontFailYou Happy New Year!