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Showing posts from 2016

2017: The Year of Action--Take II

What is going on in the heart that would cause you to be angry with your brother or sister with no cause? Be honest as you do some self-introspection? Are you jealous, are you envious, did he or she not dance to your tune the way you would have liked? Are they accomplishing goals you wanted to or similar to what you wanted to accomplish? Why are you mad? Why are you angry? If you're angry but your brother or sister has not offended you or  has not done anything personally to you to harm you, then my friend, you're anger is misguided especially if the one you're directing your anger towards has been blessed by God and perhaps you're angry at God. Perhaps you're angry at yourself. Don't let the sun go down on your anger. Don't allow the New Year to come upon you and you feel discouraged because 2016 was not as productive as you hoped. Try, try, again. Instead of directing that anger at someone else. Direct that anger towards a piece of paper and a pen and de...
Diamonds, you're not able to stand tall because of those 4 inch heels, you're able to stand tall because you know God is walking with you. The confidence you exude doesn't come from your shoes. It comes from your "If God be for me, He is greater than the whole world against me," attitude! Love Always, Rev. Dana
"Attention, About-face" If God was good enough to get your attention, then respond to Him by repenting of your sins and turn back to Him. Return to your first love.....Remember when you first gave your life to Christ. Remember the "he'll hold" He rescued you from that you couldn't see no way out of but God reached down and grabbed you. What should have killed you and destroyed you God used to strengthen your trust in Him. He didn't say this Faith walk would be easy but He promised to always be there and love you every step of the way. He didn't take you out of the world but the day you believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit enabling you to overcome adversities in life just as your Elder Brother, Jesus the Christ did when he suffered in his earthly ministry. At some point along the journey you either got tired, you either got stuck, you either got distracted, you either gave into temptation, but you can about-face and turn back to your first...
God is going to get the glory regardless! Look at how Hillary ended her concession speech, "There is more seasons to come and more work to do! Scripture says, "Don't grow weary in well doing for we shall reap a harvest IF we faint not!" Don't lose heart! When grabbing for the last bit of strength while going through a difficult situation, she reached for the Bible, God's Holy Writ for a Source of Hope & Comfort! GOD IS ON THE THRONE!! Perhaps all this is happening that others may come into the faith. Use this time wisely. For such a time as this, huh? The harvest is ripe church! We have a lot of our Father's Business to Attend to...... Excited About the Work We Are Called To Do! Diamonds, Let Us Get To Work!
"All things work together for good for them that love God and who are called according to his purpose," Romans 8:28. Therefore when I think of the promises that God has made to me alone that have yet to come to pass, I have no other choice but to rejoice and have hope that will not shake my faith. He made those promises with the certainty of them coming to pass regardless of who was, is in the White House. The same is true for you. The abundant life is not without adversity but it's the ability to go through life when things don't necessarily go the way we think they should have WITH A SOVEREIGN GOD, the One, True, Living God that although the very one's that set his Son up, to be hung up on the cross defied all odds and won the victory over sin and death, even when it appeared to have the illusion of defeat but He came to die so that we might be free from the death and bondage of sin. He had to die so that we could be healed from  illness and sickness of every...
God is still on the throne and just as before, the election and it remains true today that this is a great and awesome time for us as the body of Christ to share with others about the HOPE we have in Jesus Christ that extends beyond this world because heaven is our home. #FulfilltheGreatCommision #Redeemingthetimewhilwitsday

Diamonds, Rock the Vote!

This morning I exercised my right to vote. I realized in Scripture that Jesus in Matthew, the 22nd chapter exercised his right to pay taxes, not relinquishing his responsibility to participate and carrying out his civil duties to pay taxes to Caesar; so for that reason and my pastor sending the Holy Spirit to wrestle with us if we choose not vote, to then be moved to participate in this election. Jesus is my example as well as my hope and salvation; I also believe we who are born again believers can help make a difference by pushing God's will further when we participate and not sit idly by but then complain when our freedoms are threatened or taken away. The same freedoms that our forefathers/ mothers and civil rights leaders fought so hard and died for so that we could participate and exercise our rights as citizens in this country. So with that, I pray if you haven't done so, please do so..... Go out and vote! In addition, I am reminded that there are many Christians bein...
Diamonds, God is not expecting perfection but when you have fallen short or missed the mark, humbly admit your failure, ask for forgiveness and just know that that just how perfect you can be!
Diamonds, Appreciate where you are in your journey.  Sometimes we can think to ourselves that there are other things going on that is more exciting or we might even say to ourselves that, "I wish I could be doing something other than what I am doing" especially when we are bogged down with a lot of work. It's all going to pay off in the end and don't worry about the others in the race.  They are busy running to win and to accomplish their dreams and goals and you must do the same. Don't get discouraged and don't give up.  Hang on in there.  If you begin to think about what you would be throwing away by giving up, I hope it encourages you to hold on a little while longer. And before you say, "I just wish it was over already," just think about all the lessons you would have missed and the stretching to become stronger that you would have forfeited by forgoing the journey. Get more organized, plan a little better, cut out some things that may h...
Diamonds, you can't please everybody. Pleasing God will eventually piss some people off but its always better to please Him who has called you rather than trying to appease those that will love you one day, and hate you the next! Go with God and watch Him blow your mind!!!
Diamonds, regardless of how it may look, God's plans will always prevail concerning your life! Trust God! Have a Glorious Day in the Lord!
Diamonds, watch out for those who are quick to criticize when you have been obedient to God. One thing for certain is that after you have obeyed, He will confirm right in front of the one who did the critique that you were operating in alignment with His will!

Know why...

Diamonds, Always question why you are so quick to do for others. I personally used to deal with rejection issues and often extended myself out of fear of saying no because I had a warped view of relationships. I would agree to make myself available even when I couldn't because I was afraid to disappoint the other person I was seeking affection from and was fearful of running the risk of losing them. I heard a preacher say, "If you cant say no, then you are in bondage." You are in bondage because youre always at the object of your affections beckoning call or enslaved to them even if they are not being manipulative or abusive. Youre fear of losing them or being rejected will keep you in bondage and never experiencing the liberty and the right to say no. Saying no especially when you cant is not bad at all. Saying no never puts you in a bind when you really dont want to do for a person but decide to do so because it looks good ln the outside but inwardly you dont really...
Diamonds, It is God's intent that we experience and enjoy emotional and sexual joy; true passion is good and is approved by God but for those of us who are married now and have been around the block a few times can tell you that it's good to wait for the proper time (marriage) and the proper person (one's spouse). Don't allow sin, the lack of self-control and selfishness to pursue anyone outside of God's blessing plan for your life. Both you and your future spouse is worth w aiting for (if that is your desire) even in this fast paced society that promotes there is "no limit" on how many partners you can sleep with but never encourages us to wait. Think of it this way, you wouldn't want to chew a piece of gum after several people have had it in their mouths, would you? Apply that same concept to your body. As  Lindamichelle Baron  shared in her book of poetry, "For the Love of Life" and I paraphrase, we can't be careless with our bod...

Dont Break Under Pressure

At any point, we can break under pressure, but God always know how much pressure to apply in order to continue the process of conforming his children into the image of Christ. If it had not been for His presence through the Holy Spirit, prayer and his Word, the pressure would have drove me crazy and possibly driven me to complain but Im learning to lean and listen out for that small still voice that reminds me, "Dana, Im so near." Trusting God sonetimes will make you look crazy to the onlookers but you continue to hold on to God's unchanging hands. When He blesses us, its not just for us. God is a Giver; therefore, what He has planned will also bless the lives of others and depending in the size of the blessing, you must learn how to wait for the super-sized blessing. The fact that God would even promise us anything is humbling. The idea of Him keeping his word is baffling considering He owes us nothing and yet the greatest promise that ever came to fruition was that ...
Diamonds, God will qualify you before a title is even given by the quality of the work and the fruit you will produce! Don't wait for a title, the title will just confirm what God has ALREADY called and purposed for you to accomplish! In Jesus's name, Amen!
If this day seems to be the deadline and yet you have not heard from the Lord, 11:59pm is a long way from 8:24am. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage; He shall strengthen thine heart, wait I say on the Lord. If He was the one to make the promise then trust Him to bring it to fruition. God is faithful. Dont worry yourself over the plans God has for your life. Now, continue with your day trusting completely in Him who has called you! Be blessed Diamonds & Diamond Studs!

Blessed to have a friend...

Diamonds, it would be a lonely world without someone to call "friend." If you desire to have a friend, be sure to show yourself to be friendly. Treat your friend (s) as you want to be treated and ask for forgiveness if after you have evaluated and reflected over the years of your friendships and found you have not been found to be friendly. Being surrounded by my friends since '96 today made me realize how blessed and fortunate I am to have them in my life. Lord please continue to bless them. They are truly have been friendly and faithful friends to me.
Diamonds, People are going to talk about you whether you are doing good or bad but make an effort to give them something Gospel worthy and that which glorifies your Father in heaven! Keep Walking Worthy!

Know Your Worth!

Diamonds, no one in their right mind would give a 5 year old a diamond to play with. Chew on. Bounce off the wall. Why? Because they know its worth.  Much like your life and what you should or should not permit or allow to take place in your life. Baby girl, know your worth.  No one is going to advocate more for you than yourself. If you wouldn't tolerate someone mistreating a beloved family member or friend, then that should go the same for you! Know your worth and stop being short-sided when it comes to your future.

On the Job Training!

Diamonds, God will qualify you for the position. I have seen it too many times in my own faith walk of how God will have a place already planted in order for you to receive the necessary training that will deem you qualified to carry out a specific assignment He has called you to complete. I have walked through many doors but before entering them, I was wondering how in the heck am I going to qualify for this position with my little experience to find that God has already worked out the situation. I have personally heard,"Dana, you may not have the experience, but you will be able to aquire it here." I have been out of work in the traditional sense for many years and I have heard so often that you must be qualified, you must be prepared and then God will open up opportunities for you (and He does) but in my case, God has always presented me with open doors for preparedness that I know only He has opened that would allow me to learn according to my learning style. I learn by ...

Tomorrow's Not Promised

Diamonds, if tomorrow is not promised, remember, you still have today. So while you have today, make the best use of your time and your resources in order to make a difference in someone's life, right now...don't wait!!!

Dont You Worry

Diamonds, dont you worry about a thing! Get some rest after you read Philippians 4:6, "Be anxious for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." Again, cast your cares on Him for He truly cares for you. Its in vain that you sit up late to eat the bread of sorrow when you can cast your cares upon God.  Get some sleep!!!
For the past few days, I've been wrestling and having conversations with my husband and my sister about the tragic events that have occurred over the last few days and God kept reminding me that transformation cannot come from a heart that is unconverted. I just received confirmation after listening to my pastor's weekly phone call blast of encouragement and love, that this is most certainly "a heart issue" and out of the heart flows the issues of life. We are placing so mu ch emphasis on humanity to change, our judicial system to change but at the core, we need a change of heart that can only be transformed through the Word of God.(Matthew 28:18-20) In essence, all lives matter because when we consider eternity, we all need to be saved from our sins! Many may not agree, but what we are witnessing is the manifestation of what's on the inside of an unrepentant heart overall: evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit,...

My prayer

I pray that if there are any Diamonds out there suffering from depression, may the Lord once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy! (Job 8:21) Your pain is important to God! Be encouraged because through it all, God wants your light to shine before all men that others might come to know Him. So He truly cares about your pain and through His Son, you can overcome! Bless you!

Let God Fight Your Battles

Diamonds, today I was clear and certain about making a decision today regarding my well being and self care. Someonw tried to enfringe upon that but God worked everything out. I was tempted to "show out" or act out of my Christ-like character but again, God stepped in. When someone tried to go before me and report the situation from her point of view to my supervisor, God allowed me to hear the entire situation. In the midst of the conversation, through the words of my supervisor without either one of them knowing, God had not only confirmed the decision I was going to make was in the best interest if my well being and self care but gave me to answer to how He planned on working everything out. I just humbly acted as if I wasnt aware and I didnt act like I had a care because God had already ironed everything out. In fact, He worked things out un my favor. Let God fight your battles Diamonds. You dont have anything to prove but one thing is certain is that I didnt want to b...

Daughters Need Daddies Too!

I now understand how much of an intricate and important role a father plays in the life of their children, especially his daughters. Unfortunately, I dod not have the experience of having the consistent presence of my biological dad in my life and in many ways it was a tragedy. His absence left me with a skewed way of viewing relationships with the opposite sex where often times, I drew to the conclusion that love was on the basis of sexual intercourse. I dont know how I ever believed the lie that all of my needs, emotional, psychological, physical, etc. would be met by having sex with a partner I cared about. There was still this broken and hollow part of me that desired to be filled from the absence of my dad. I used to wear tight fitted clothes, accentuated my breasts. Tried my best to draw attention to what I thought was the most important part of me, my body. Until I was introduced to my husband. He was the first man that truly respected me as the irreplaceable, masterful work o...


Diamonds Stop running from the call on your life. Stop making excuses and building up rationales for why you shouldn't do x, y, and z. Acknowledge God in all your ways. Stop saying, "What I want to do." It's God's will and don't allow that potential and purpose to die on the inside of you. Allow it to fully mature and grow. Not just for the sake of others but may you be the recipient of God's grace and the manifestation of His work being completed through you. How much stronger will your testimony be when He sends you out to pour into others. And there is no joy outside of the will of God. No joy that can be experienced outside of living out your God-given purpose and potential. I pray God releases your full potential. I pray it fully develops and matures. That it becomes fully matured that you don't die and the dreams God deposited on the inside of you don't die but that God will not allow you to rest until you are fully operating in your specifi...
The enemies we talk about I have been reminded are possible souls that need to be won to the Lord or saved but need correction and conviction. Holy Spirit have your way......we were once enemies of God until God extended His grace toward us and shined the light of your Gospel in our direction....may we never forget what we were, but even on our best day, our righteousness is as filthy rags! I was going to say ask Apostle Paul, but hey, look at what God has done with me, with you, the body of Christ who were once all enemies of God......
There are NO skeletons in the closet of your life that would prohibit or prevent God from offering the gift of salvation to you. He knows you from cover to cover and still desires to have a relationship with you..... ‪#‎ thatslove‬ ‪ #‎ thatsevangelism‬
May we never get so holy that we overlook the needs of others. As one of my professors from NYTS so eloquently stated, we ought to "treat the people's needs as holy." It is contradictory to call oneself a disciple of Christ and leave the needs of the unfortunate unmet. The first order of business is to let them know that God cares about their situation and then, of course, meet their immediate need!
Good morning Diamonds, I just want to encourage you this morning to make better choices with the time you have been given. Stop looking to the left and to the right. Often times we teeter totter on getting things done because the work seems overwhelming and we begin to take steps away from our assignments by looking for other things to do; social media, television, snacking, using the telephone, etc. when we should be focused on our task(s) at hand.  Nowadays, it doesn't take too much for us to be distracted but if you break down your desired task ( with completion in mind), the pressure will be less and you'll be one step closer to accomplishing your God-given goals. Be honest with yourself and what you struggle with. Create a list. Also, never be afraid or ashamed to ask anyone for help. The best teachers are those who are teachable. Even Jesus sought God the Father for direction through prayer.  Remember, you are not in this process alone even when it may seem as...
Diamonds, Your purpose in life is too GREAT and too IMPORTANT to ADVANCING the Kingdom of God for you to just Go With The Flow..... ‪#‎ thatmentalityhastoGO‬ ‪#‎ DiamondsAreResilient‬
Father God, I lift up every mother suffering from post partum depression to you this morning. Many of us are celebrating Mother's Day this weekend, but there are some mom's or expectant moms that wishes they weren't pregnant because of this mental health condition. Usually, mothers experience the "baby blues" which lasts up to 2wks (irritabilty, restlessness, crying, etc.); however with post partum depression, the symptoms lasts longer, moms contemplate suicide, hurting th eir child and have the inability to care for their baby(ies). I ask that you heal them dear Lord right where they are and please remove this dark cloud out from up over their heads. Please shine your light in their direction that their affect becomes brighter so that they may be able to bond joyfully with their child/children. May their spouse, or baby's dad be supportive but when they are not due to their unwillingness, or lack of understanding, please send these mothers the extra pai...
Diamonds, In that moment I began to doubt myself about whether I was "good enough" to complete an assignment that He had assigned for me to complete immediately, He allowed me to recognize my DOUBT and gently replied, "Dana, you are good enough and just enough for this assignment." Who are you measuring yourself up against?  Surely there is someone that can do it better, but you are the vessel that God has chosen for the assignment.  Do you think Saul was looking to David, a young lad to knock out Goliath, no!  Therefore, why not you?  God chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise beloveds and the weak things of the world to show Himself mighty! Be blessed!
Diamonds, Tupac said in his ode to his mother, Dear Mama,  "It's hard to be legit and still pay your rent.." Trust God! "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;  and all these things shall be added unto you," Matthew 6:33. (KJV) Stay Blessed!
Diamonds, I know you may be tempted to go back to that very thing God delivered you from and you know it will break fellowship with Him.  It takes faith in God to believe He will do just what He said He would do.... Trust Him... You may be frustrated.  You may feel like giving up, but hang in there....God didn't bring you this far to leave you helpless and hopeless but He is our HELP & He is our HOPE! #HoldOnJustAlittleLonger #YourChangeWillCome
Diamonds, I walked into our den to work on an assignment and found a pair of my high-heeled shoes.  My oldest daughter usually wears them around the house playing dress-up, but I noticed she did something different. She placed her shoes, on the inside of my shoes so she can walk better in the heels she desired to walk in and had her eyes set on.  Then it reminds me of God.... We place our feet in the heels of Him that orders our footsteps and direct our pathways.  He will prevent us from slipping and falling because our feet are placed firmly in the areas on the ground He has etched out for us and in the shoes we already own but will one day prepare us for the shoes we will be able to fit once we have matured in our walk with Him. When we walk, like my daughter's shoes, they don't see a trace of her footprints, but that of the Father who is carrying her, leading her, and guiding her... With God, you never know how far you will go but this one thing is for sure, w...
Diamonds always remember, what God has deposited in you and destined for you to become was for the purpose of making a difference (for the better) in someone else's life. It doesn't mean that everyone will be welcoming you with warm and loving arms but you have been called to be the salt of the earth. Use that which God has deposited deep down on the inside of you for good. If you are not walking in your calling or have not risen to the occasion of God's purpose for your life, then sweetheart, this is a fine time for you to do something DIFFERENT! Be about your Father's business!  ‪#‎ 1Love‬
Diamonds, always remember....God's love pursues you. If you ever find yourself chasing after someone or anything that is always trying to get you to turn away from His love then, "About Face," and don't be afraid to walk the other way back into your Father's loving arms! God's love will never lead you astray!  ‪#‎ incaseyouneededtoknow‬

2 Corinthians 4:7-12

Diamonds, I woke up this morning thinking on the goodness of God where even after I've fallen and ashamed of what sin that was hidden in my heart yet rose to the surface, I was able to come boldly before the throne of God's grace and obtain mercy in my time of need.  I didn't have to wallow in my sin or harbor, and or harden my heart, but to come before Him and ask for forgiveness.  I want to be more and more like Jesus and it seems the more I try to draw closer, there are blemishes that come up that concealer won't cover up because no matter how we may try to mask the blemish, God can see what's going on underneath the foundation. Peter, one of Jesus's disciples loved Him and it was evident because God the Father revealed to Him who Jesus the Christ was yet, Jesus knew that in the face of opposition that Peter would fail Him.  In fact, Peter denied Jesus three times.  The one whom Jesus declared, "upon this rock (Peter) I will build my church," wou...
God is far from being about business as usual....He is just looking for a few that will put all of their trust in Him; not afraid to do something different that will make a difference in the lives of others that they might come to know Him! Are you willing to go the distance with Him and dare to be different?
Diamonds, if you ever think everyone is "doing it", according to a study I just read approximately 85% of Americans approve of pre-marital sex; 50% of young adult couples have sex within the first month of dating; another 25% wait for one to three months. However, there is also the almost forgotten group of people who wait until they are married to have sex. Although the later group is smaller in numbers, the last group still exists and have discovered and benefited from w aiting until they were married. How so? Well, the longer a couple waited to become sexually involved the better their sexual quality, relationship communication, relationship satisfaction, and perceived relationship stability was in marriage. The study also concluded that early sexual involvement diverted couples from putting the necessary energy and focus into communicating verbally, which is essential to healthy relationships. Thought this information was very insightful, enlightening as well ...
Today, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season. The lenten season is observed to better appreciate the death, and resurrection of Christ through self-examination, repentance, prayer, fasting, and self-denial. In addition, Ash Wednesday has another significant meaning for me. It was on this day, Ash Wednesday that the Lord brought me out of my induced coma in 2000, March 8th to be exact. Prior to that, I could only recall seeing my brother the night of the fire  in January who accompanied me in the ambulance while being transported to what was then called UMDNJ in Newark, NJ. On that Ash Wednesday, I can remember seeing both my grandmother and my mommy sitting in my hospital room. Grandma holding a can of Pepsi, and mommy doing something with my feet, lol. Probably clipping my toe nails. There is also that taste of chicken broth or soup I will never forget fed to me intravenously along with other fluids to sustain me while I was in a coma. Its been 16 years fr...
Diamonds, People may not respond the way you think they should to a particular situation,  but you continue to do good and by that I mean, do everything for all of the right reasons! Be Blessed!
Diamonds, Don't repay evil for evil.  Don't retaliate with insults when people insult you.  Instead, pay them back with a blessing.  That is what God has called you to do, and He will grant you His blessing........Turn from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it! (Inspired from meditating on 1 Peter 3:8-11, NLT)

It's A Love Thang!

Diamonds, a very good friend of mine reminded me the other day during a very fruitful discussion about why it's very important to pay others back with a blessing rather than retaliate with insults when people insult you. Why? It's simple: That is what God has called each and everyone of us to do that are His and He will grant you his blessing! A sister or a brother might be recovered due to how we respond to a particular situation that may have either rubbed us the wron g way. It is very important that we not be very easily offended. Today, I was again reminded while attending my church's annual meeting and what an added bonus/blessing I received. Just wanted to share in case someone would be just as blessed! Enjoy your day my brother, my sister! ‪#‎ ITSALOVETHANG‬
Some people that we are tied to, no matter how much we have invested or desire to have or keep close, somehow separates from us.  We have tried all different types of methods to let them back in, but no matter how strong the glue, no matter how many times you try to maneuver and make yourself available to them, know that if they aren't tied to God's plans that He has for your life, then let them go! Severed relations may hurt because the emotions attached to these individuals are real and can be painful but to have them in your life will not be purposeful or work out in your best interest; or rather will work against your God-given potential developing in your life. Pruning is never easy but it serves a higher purpose and plan not only for your benefit but toward those you have been called to serve! Enjoy your day!

Thank God for Your Thorn!

Diamonds, I just wanted to let someone who needs to know this morning that whatever you may be going through God will see you through! He may not remove that particular thorn from your flesh because it's being used as a buffer to keep you grounded and humble...totally dependent and reliant on Him from moment to moment, day to day.  You're beautiful Diamond, but so that you don't think more highly than you ought to; so that you don't become conceited with your fine self, that thorn you have been praying and asking God to remove has a purpose.  It's not there to torment you but to remind you that where you are and the position that you hold is because of the grace of God. It's not because of any good thing that you have done but it's because of the grace of God.  He is the Giver of every good and perfect gift.  Therefore, any good thing that you can boast about or in is all because of God's goodness and His generosity!  So you can even thank and boast...

In Honor of Rev. Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.

Today in one of the group sessions we discussed the emotion anger . Anger can be the emotional catalyst used to create change in a world that thrives off of pain. The Bible says be angry and sin not. (Ephesians 4:6) In celebration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's birthday, I am reminded of his anger that pricked and provoked the waves of injustice to cease against people of color and other minorities. His anger was driven out of his strength to love drawing all walks of life to accountability of those being mistreated, disenfranchised, out on the margins and overlooked to draw nearer on the side of equality and social justice.  Anger when appropriated responsively, is motivated by the love of God towards us and the love we ought to have for and toward one another. Its a love language, an inner strength that encapsulates and can be demonstrated if we are willing to be the change our youth needs to see, our coworkers, colleagues and in essence, our neighbors can witness serv...
Diamonds, my daughters reminded me that love is ALL about action.  I'll be the first to admit that sometimes we as parents can come up short in the love department.  We can be easily provoked, and we are guilty of not always being patient with our kids. It is a verb and more than that; it's an action verb.  Love should be demonstrated in every area of our lives.  With that being said, when we say we love God, there ought to be some action behind what it is we are saying.  The question is no longer whether or not God loves us because we can recount endless entries of how God has demonstrated his love toward us.  However, we tend to forget that God desires to be loved by us and let's be honest, the same can be said about our children as with us, we aren't always that lovable but we expect God to love us anyhow. I will love Him by recommitting my life to Him by practicing His love language toward others. Faith without works is dead right, but love witho...

I Ain't Never Scared!

It's Not Proper Grammar But It's the Truth! Be Encouraged! Diamonds Are Resilient!